Blackrock Alliance Reconnections

Char: jezd, warrior
Guild: R18 and HitSquad

Any OG Blackrock folk but some named peeps from HS
Dev / Jay

Have rolled on Yojamba with a few mates, as Arugal had 5K+ Q times during WoW Classic launch.


Character: Iby human paladin,Evield nelf rogue
i was breifly apart of colony raiders (early MC days), Beggars, TDM, Fallen Chapter
and there may have been a few others.
used to 29 twink on my rogue Eevield and my druid Heyho
my twinks were mostly apart of “Underbelly”
i only remember a few names from way back . Clevvi, ajdocherty, Guzzer, and anyone else who wants to reconnect.

rolling alliance on Arugal and Horde on Yojamba
wow classic: Mhammeredg - Arugal Hunter / Mhammeredg- Yojamba Druid

clevviii----- its ya boiii eevield :smiley:

AJ there u are! :smiley:

Yes i am the hunter with the rogue friend. I believe his name at was Downcast at the time.

Hey Iby, I’m on Arugal Alliance

Edit, Iby still waiting for ya to log in while I’m on, add me Clevvii#11567

Guff and Bolos is also on Yojamba


Guff here, me, Jezd and bolos rolled alliance on Yojamba (AU server tho)

sup dudes

guild ; hitsquad


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Hey mate, Buck here (Sylvester) from blackrock days. I am on Arugal alliance. Have a warlock. Hit me up on Procc#6938


Male NE Rogue

Night Crew

Cada/Cadamosta. Eventually renamed Sam

Nightelf Feral Druid

Raided with TDM mainly during AQ40. But potentially known for running weekly honour farming warsong gulch groups chasing those 7 minute wins. Lol. Got rank 13 with a bunch of regulars - some names in this thread I think were there at one time or another.

I am on Yojamba alliance under my OG name, Cadamosta.

Hey mate, Farr on Arugal now. Horde side

Arugal Horde mate.

Ezpz- atm

Jump into the blackrock discord channel and we’ll get in touch

I’m good, thanks! Considering playing again but I still need to invest in fixing my PC, one of my cats peed on it and destroyed a few components :sweat_smile: I am glad you’re doing well, wishing you all the best from Mexico.

Player Name: Bytesize gnome mage in Vanilla or Dunni dwarf shadow priest in BC
Guilds: Leviathan and Fallen Chapter



Hi Xann
Byte here

Cass! - Add me - Polarized#1291.

Any oldschoolers hit me up on Yojamba Alliance, character name still Paranoid, we’re currently forming a second raid group and looking for some real original talent for the main group and casual group.

CST/EST Blackrock folk, we have 2 full raids going strong and two of the 5 fastest clears on our server. Come join the fun if you haven’t found a home yet!
