Blackrock Alliance Reconnections

Character - Razzielle Human Warrior
Guilds - Eminence, Hitsquad

Lots of familiar names here haha. Still haven’t figured out what server to play on, queue times are ridiculous.

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Goose - Dwarf Paladin from No MaaM then transfered to Bloodscalp. I remember we did MC one last time before the transfers, got Rag to 1% and wiped. Resed a hunter whos pet was on aggressive and auto attacked. Then he despawned :frowning:

Shizznack - Dwarf warrior - Fallen Chapter
I’m probably not going to play but was a blast from the past seeing your names :slight_smile:
wonder if my DKP are still valid

Character: Coertan - Human Paladin
Guilds: Evil Empire, HitSquad

Currently playing classic on Thunderfury, would love to play with some familiar faces :smiley:

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Hey guys :smiley: If the evil empire crew is reforming hit me up -Coertan

Aurorra, Minionzz and Banddaid, Popsicles, was in a few guilds but mostly in Tranquility, Osiris, and can’t remember the name of the other one

Character: Onlinehaggis
Class: Warlock - Human
Guild: Depth

Anyone from Depth still knocking about!?

Currently play on Frostmourne - Sneakyhaggis

What a feeling it was when we finally killed C’Thun though!

Hello Both!

Xann, Human Warrior
Nex Imperium, Leviathan, etc etc etc.

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To any NA Blackrock OGs, a few Emi/HitSquad guys rolled on the server Sulfuras after deciding we couldn’t deal with the queues. Please message Wonder , Trixski (Alchemyst), or Zarial ingame if you want to join us.

Sulfuras is the highest pop ‘new server’ which was our logic in choosing it.

are you still looking for people to play with?

btw, Blackrock Discord:

I remember you

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Nunos Gnome Warrior / Nuno NE Rogue.

You might not remember me but I remember you, I was mostly an arena player who joined NO MAAM as a social club. Eventually I was brought on some farming runs as an OT for Illidan. My first run had a bunch of recruits and we kept failing at Teron because all us newbs got the first debuff.

On the fifth or sixth try I got the the first debuff, then you said “well it’s another wipe”. I handled by ghosts then Xinhuan got the next one and from there on we downed him. After that you vouched for me in subsequent raids and even got me in some Sunwell Plateau raids before I was forced to quit the game completely.

Man this is really bringing out the nostalgia. It’s completely nuts to me now to think back at all those sleepless nights with my antipodean guildies on ventrilo.

Hey, remember me? Hope things are good Mish, all the best.

Ya! Looks like Sulfuras has a 30+ minute queue though… :frowning:

It didn’t when we picked it, oh well :expressionless: better than dealing with 7 hour queues on white mane


Well, figured I’d see some Levi folks.

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Oh, I bet. The drama was real in Levi lmao.

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Heyyyy Man, ain’t seen that name in a minute.