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Yea, I get that. I was casually reassuring you it’s irrelevant to 2023 and the state of WOTLKC, not original. The game from 2004-20018 has nothing to do with what’s going on from 2019-Present. You’re reaching too far for an apple when we’re talking about oranges.

Banning GDKP’s will significantly decrease RMT. There just isn’t anything to buy, except for random raid gear/items to include: Flare of the Heavens-370k, Mimiron’s Head-1M, Val’anyr Fragments-15k, Shadowmourne-TBD.

Again, great loot system, but watching WOTLKC burn isn’t worth it.


Except understanding motives means you understand that there is more consistent buys than gear. How many flares or mimiron’s heads is one buying? You’re pulling numbers out of thin air and going “Look look look, it’s a really big number” like it means anything. Like idk where you’re getting Val fragments for 15k but whoever is buying it for that price is getting ripped off. I consistently watched Val shards on weeks 1-4 go for base cost, 3k.

No one is saying that there isn’t gold buying involved with gdkps, any system that involves gold is going to have some aspect of it be involved with illicit gold, but, the notion that RMT will somehow take a massive hit if gdkps are banned is a ridiculous claim.

and they said flare of the heavens for 370k LMAO… I saw one go for 67k last week. They seem to be formulating their opinions off of youtube content creators.

Love how they just dismiss the fact that you brought up how much more malicious things were before GDKP back in the day.


Cool now that you’re making it seem like you care about bots, all you need to do now is remove the wow token.


No no no you see this happened at a date that this individual does not care about and thus this information is worthless because he says so.

Wow players are the worst part of wow lmao

I agree. Ive seen so many ridiculous things from this playerbase. Its like:

Queued up for WSG today for a few hours and every single BG I was in over half of both teams was nothing but bots. Blizzard should ban battlegrounds, it wont stop botting but itll put a dent in their operation!

Just straight up idiocy.


LOL you should write children’s fiction

perma ban the offenders (3rd party RMT) .
Easy fix.
But blizzard won’t do it.

It’s like, while technically true, the statement comes from a place of ignorance. Technically true, if Blizzard shut down all wow servers then there would be absolutely 0 RMT on official wow servers. Just because it’s technically correct doesn’t mean it’s realistically correct.

If Blizzard put their foot down, banned all trading of items in raids, implemented the harshest form of personal loot, RMT would still be just as relevant and just as popular, just like in original TBC and LK. Sure, technically there would be no one buying gold for gear in raids, but at what cost. His entire point revolves around “saving LKC” but it’s short sighted and ignorant, misunderstanding why RMT is even relevant and how it affects raids, which is more than just gearing.

I know more people who bought gold for consumables than for gdkps. It’s anecdotal, of course, but from my experience, those that I know who buy gold have bought it in small amounts for small things. Dropping a thousand dollars for hundreds of thousands of gold for a single item is a mostly a fantasy. Is there probably “someone” who did it? Sure. Is that common? I highly doubt it.

I remember watching glaive pricing. BT dropped, first set went for over 300k on Mankirk. Second set went for 35k. Little bit over 10% of the first pricing. These people like Ship have a good intention, I can see it, but they route they want to take to fill those intentions is absurd.

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Agreed 100% on everything you said. The main driver for RMT is players being lazy. You give a lazy player the option to buy 50k gold or to farm 50k gold dont be surprised when they buy it.

A lot of the reactions from anti gdkpers are people who never participated in one and saw a youtube stream where these items are going for ridiculous amounts. Theyre not putting two and two together that its in the streamers best interest to have an item go for 500k because the last known highest bid item was 370k.

They wanna complain about GDKPs and get rid of them yet there are guilds making 300k+ a week off one different person every week just for a mount. Theres GDKPs that dont even see a 300k pot with 25 people bidding on stuff.

Guilds are something they like though, cant get rid of that


Gdkps came about in original TbC/wrath… is what they are referring to.

1 large transaction (week 1 Flare) and 100 smaller transactions are equal.

Just made 1600g in NEO run by a dude that’ll be selling that gold later tonight to feed his family. Meanwhile 12 other groups are looking for buyers.

1 raid isn’t a big deal. 12 raids isn’t a big deal. 1 server isn’t a big deal, one faction isn’t a big deal.

These little things turn into a big deal, and the only similarity between you and I is neither one of us can prove otherwise.

I do it, I won’t stop doing it, I like it, but I know exactly what I’m doing.

Token sales not meeting projections?


Hopefully that dudes family likes raman noodles.

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ROFL…this is pathetic. First thing I’d do is set the terrain as ‘z=0’. Anyone going below ‘0’ on an XYZ coordinate; instant pseudo-permanent ban (meaning banned until a GM looks over the evidence).

I’d also setup a gold buying site. It would be functional. So you’d get your gold. But a week or so later you’d be banned on some ‘bogus’ infraction, to avoid tipping you off (well as best as possible). – Yes. Yes it would be ‘entrapment’. But guess what. We agreed to the ToS. Blizzard specifically states they reserve the right to terminate our account for any reason and without explanation.

EDIT: Correct wrong axis; y → z

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i like how theres just as many rogue bots in BT still

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Obviously doing 25 rogue gdkps for glaives.

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