Just because you haven’t/don’t play the game at a high level doesn’t mean others don’t enjoy your hour +++ long MC runs and low parses while we finish in 20 minutes
well if you’re such a 1337 gamer then i assume you have no trouble paying for black lotus or do you think farming in classic WoW is too hard?
jUsT cUz u DoNt tHiNk iT’s FuN tO FLaSK n MoLTEn CoRe
Thanks for the dumb comment?
I fuel up my 1992 Honda Civic with 93 Octane fuel because I enjoy driving to Arby’s at a high level \m/
Arby’s most underrated fast food place.
It’s very important to me that the register-monkeys at Arby’s now that I can drive from my home to my Big Montana™ order and back home in <15 minutes because my 1992 Honda Civic is powered by high-octane fuel in an engine that is older than a simple majority of Anniversary Fresh players.
I drive a 2020 Mazda CX-9.
We both get to Arby’s the same way.
But I get there at a higher level.
You’re definitely higher.
Just because you don’t enjoy paying for 93 Octane fuel just to drive to Arby’s doesn’t mean other people don’t.
My car takes both.
But they both get me there at the same speed.
85 octane copes going on in this thread \o/
I know right. If your car doesn’t require 91 octane it’s a joke.
You drive a Prius and you wear a mask inside it.
You drive a delivery truck, or so you’d have us believe.
No I drive a semi.
The average Peterbilt wont even fit in the drive-thru at Arby’s
I drive a Kenworth
But that’s still not going to fit
So the Subaru of tractors. \m/
Tangentially related – I sold the original ‘Jeddite’ account for $900 in November 2006.
So really, unless somebody is literally getting paid to play WoW, I have raided Level 60 content at a higher level than most of these ‘speed run’ dorks. \o/