Black Lotus hotfix hasnt changed anything

New alchemy recipe: transmute purple lotus into black lotus


you are so obviously a swiper its not even funny.

i wish blizzard would audit peoples accounts becuase im quite positive you would be banned for rmt.

cooldown: 1 month :expressionless:

Just as a side note, Blue Sapphires sell for more than Black Lotus, Blue Sapphires follow the concept you want introduced of being a proc off of high level nodes, and farming them in the open world is so miserable and contested that people choose to do DME runs for them instead despite there being 500x more nodes in the world they could get them from. Blue Sapphires are in more demand than black lotus is and this method of distribution that you suggest, proc chance off high gathering nodes, doesn’t change that.

its not really comparable. you can farm sapphires by doing jump runs, and you have a reasonable expectation that youll get them because the nodes that drop them are always there.

its not the same as black lotus being locked down because too many people are trying to acquire them from the open world but not having enough spawns to support that. they have a small drop rate but the respawn time on the veins they drop on is significantly higher than black lotus.

4 days after the hot fix and the average Supreme power cost has gone from 210g to 200g. BIG CHANGES lol

I never really equated that with a core MMO experience, if I’m being honest. Like, I do think rarity is important, but do you really have that here? I mean, I don’t think anybody could say that lotus has ever been considered rare in any form of Classic. It’s always been readily available, just for a price.

With that said, if rarity is something you want, I don’t think either of our proposed solutions is really appropriate. To achieve that, you’d need to go back to the original node/spawn system and then make both lotus and flasks BoP. Now it’s rare but it’s also something that can’t be monetized. If you want one, you have to go get it yourself, which preserves the rarity because people won’t farm it to make IRL money via gold.

Personally, I’m ok with something like that. I think today’s player base puts way too much emphasis on the full buff meta. Requiring players to both spec into alchemy and spend a few hours farming their flask materials would do a lot to really ground the players and make them think about whether or not they really need the item.

If we’re not going to do that (and I really do think that today’s players couldn’t accept it), then we might as well just embrace the fact that these are things that every player is going to want to have. The next logical step is to ensure that every player has some reasonable path to obtaining it. Either by buying it or by farming it themselves, but the latter must be possible otherwise you’re landing firmly in pay to win territory. That is something this version of WoW should never be.

uh yes it has :expressionless: just because it’s available doesn’t mean it isn’t rare, it’s always been expensive, as rare commodities are.

and now they’re up to 115g with a peak last night at 130g.

Nightslayer - Horde

0 change to Black Lotus price

A small dip in price from panic selling the day of announcement.

Back to normal since then.

130-150g per

I spent a crap ton of hours looking for black lotus just to see if anything changed. I rarely ever barely see folks in sith running around (I’m also doing this from midnight-6am every night). I have only seen one lotus. I’m assuming flying bots are still underworld holding down these spawns.

You’re both wrong. The fix we all want and could use is Blizz getting rid of bots. No waves, No we are working on it. Hire 10 people and get them to work. Perma ban accouts botting.

But the real fix, the easy fix, cost blizz $ and time. So that won’t happen. So no BL spawning on all high level herbs is still better than never gettiing any due to bots.

Again Simple fix would just be Blizz being a decent company and doing what they need to be done. But that ship is long sailed. The people left don’t even like gaming so…

29 available for sale on nightslayer, before price marks up to 200 again. currently at 145 avg.