Big spell incoming in TWW?

Thanks for this, this is great to hear.

Silly as it sounds, I have a feeling it’ll be attached to Archon somehow. :upside_down_face:

Cascade was my favourite button to press. This sparks joy.


I would much prefer the cascade to divine star as long as it was potent enough to replace it. Cascade was aesthetically pleasing!

Please please please please please please please PLEASE let this make it to launch

Made link easier to use…

Also scanned and converted into text here for increased visibility…

:black_circle: Cascade (New) Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance, healing an ally for up to [ 10.8% of Spell Power ], and then
bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. 2.4% of Base
Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 25 sec cooldown.
Cascade (New) Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance, healing an ally for up to [ 10.8% of Spell Power ], and then
bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts. 100 yd range. Instant.
:black_circle: Cascade (New) You launch a Cascade [at an injured ally] [at an enemy] whenever you create a Halo. Cascade Launch a Holy bolt that
grows in power with distance, healing an ally for up to [10.8% of Spell Power ], and then bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each
time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts.
:black_circle: Cascade (New) Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance, healing an ally for up to [ 10.8% of Spell Power ], and then
bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts. 100 yd range. Instant.
:black_circle: Cascade (New) Launch a Shadowy bolt that grows in power with distance, damaging an enemy for up to [45.9% of Spell Power ], and
then bouncing to additional enemies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts. 40 yd range. Instant.
:black_circle: Cascade (New) Launch a Shadowy bolt that grows in power with distance, damaging an enemy for up to [45.9% of Spell Power ], and
then bouncing to additional enemies 4 times. Each time it bounces, it splits into 2 bolts. 0.75% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 25
sec cooldown.


I’d very much like to see this spell return to holy priest. I’ve missed it so much since they took it away. I would also like Lightwell graphic to be changed back. The new visual is awful. But one step at a time I guess.

I love how all the other classe are getting new flashy stuff to play with, but shadow players can only be excited about old spells returning. For years. It doesnt matter that the functionality wont solve or help with any issue that we face atm. Nor if it will work in modern content like shuffle and m+.

We are just doomed that all the changes we ever going to get will be some fragnments of past developement.

Next expansion big new spell…spectral guise.

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I am hooked up to a massive hopium tank for Spectral Guise to appear somewhere in the Class / Spec / Hero talents for Shadow at least if not priest as a whole for TWW.

Assuming with the potential talent tree updates for Priest.

I can forgive a lot if we get that spell back at least in some capacity.

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The new shadow orb animation looks amazing!

Visually Entropic Rift and Void Blast do look awesome. Void Torrent could be flashier, but it’s still early Alpha I’m sure it’s going to get a better glow up.

Personally I’m loving Void Eruption without the silly tentacles, but that’s just me :sweat_smile:. But can anyone who has Alpha confirm this??, no more Silly Tentacles in Void Eruption??.

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Void Eruption does have the tentacles. I think even more.

Personally I like them.

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And just like that you crushed my hopes in dreams :sob:.

Looks like Shadows version of Frozen Orb.

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What I laugh at is groups like Bellular saying they have people changing over to spriest because of how awesome it looks.

Meanwhile I’m sitting here wondering how long that will last when they realize how out dated and convoluted the spec is compared to others.

Someone should make them try Mythic Raza without an evoker sometime.

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Yes I just chalk that up to FOTM tourists. They can tour a temporary overturned spec or simply for it’s new visuals as I would attribute to this case with Voidweaver.

I dunno, I enjoyed Shadow for how it played back since it’s inception and I never cared about its visuals. In fact I think the more visuals you have, the more of a target you become because you are just so noticable and being noticeable in PvP is the LAST thing you want from your opponent lol.

I very much enjoy Shadow having so many spells that have no travel time/visual. That way I can attack without a partical trail being traced right to my exact location and my moment of fun instantly gets shut down as the enemy team decend upon me lol.

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Oh I don’t think the overall playstyle should change but when you are missing basic elements that every other class has, like a mobility spell, that results in your needing another class to babysit you through the freaking end game content something has gone horribly wrong.

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I meant I enjoy playing Shadow BEYOND the visual and graphical elements.

I want to have a good playing spec first and foremost. No amount of visual graphics will convince me to play a class/spec if it plays horribly.

Oh I agree and its frustrating to hear so much talk about the power fantasy of a class. Well apparently the power fantasy of a priest is “get carried by another class.”

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Well, to be fair what happens is when a strong FOTM forms non-meta classes get denied like 90% of the time… so people reroll specs to not get declined.

Priests in S2 were just mandatory for keys because of the whole mass dispel/mind soothe being needed in nearly every single dungeon. Shadow was in the top 3 for AOE dps before nerfs and Holy Paladins were meta so it led to a Shadow meta.