Big Love Rocket

How can you tell what your instance limit situation is? Is there a readout somewhere in the system?

What is ridiculous is that in all these years doing LIITA, I have never even seen anyone in group get the drop.


There are a lot of people who have bought shadowlands, but would like to do this on all their 50+ alts. Good luck, all!

Neither have I but I have stopped wasting my time on this long ago. This is a project to do when you only have a handful of mounts left to get - not when there 100s out to get.

i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone open their boxes while still in the instance… so it doesn’t seem unusual to not have seen anyone loot the rocket

You must leave group early or not do many runs.

i’m doing around 20 runs per day

i haven’t seen anyone open their box while in group, i’m usually one of the last to leave, because i stick around to loot the boss for an extra chance at 8g :stuck_out_tongue:

Stick around for 30 seconds. The one opening the loot box might be me. lol

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I got the ultimate troll of loot today. A mask, pet, and flower cosmetic at once. Thought I had it when it was 2 loot windows but no cigar.

I disagree. The likely number of runs required to get it means you should miss no opportunities. Any opportunity you miss this time the event is up can never be replaced.

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heh i just saw someone from Khaz open a box!

…it really does happen :open_mouth:

I always open the box before I leave instance, just in case the fragging Rocket does drop, so others can see it IS possible. And to share.

(When I got the Infinite Timereaver, first I tripped over my feet, then I got killed by mobs because of my distraction, and then my PUG had me take out the mount after we killed the boss for a good look at it. They were great.)

oh, so you lose out on 50 opportunities to waste your time - I will pass

That one the drop rates are so low most people will actually never get it.

Kind of depends whether you want it or not, doesn’t it? Mathematically speaking, mine is the correct answer for those who want it. Those other mounts can be fit into your schedule at your convenience.

I got it the first year I farmed it seriously, after only several hundred runs. Some get it after only a few runs. Putting it off will not improve your chances of getting it later, nor the ease of farming it.

If I had put it off until this year, I would have had many fewer characters to run that dungeon on, since last year I was able to run it on 110’s that at this point have not been leveled to 50.

Your extreme good luck is coloring your point of view. Some people don’t get it after years and years and years of farming it with 1000s of runs.

No, it isn’t. There are plenty of mounts I’ve gotten that I had to do way more kills than probability predicted.

Putting off starting those thousands of kills until a later date is not going to reduce the time or effort it will take to get it.

Got it today after 88 runs. I was trying to get the toy. You just have to not want it.


Never saw the Love Rocket drop but HH mount dropped 3x in the past 15 years. Yeah, rng is a you-know-what.

Been farming it since it was introduced, I’m done. Unless it drops this year, I’m not renewing. Going to go play Elder Scrolls and blizzard can bite me.

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Dammit, thought this was a new thread telling us they upped the drop rate.

If I ever get this mount, I’ll never ride it!! Stupid pretty hot pink rocket…

Nope, forget it - don’t want it. (reverse psychology time)

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