Big Hpriest Nerfs

Yeah that may be a bigger issues overall and the solution may be just dont take either over other things. I like renew lasting longer as there is potentially more time for the dot to do what it needs if they are already max life. Taking time off of it for more healing is cool but if someone needs healing quickly I would probably just do something else…maybe our Renew is just in a weird spot on if it’s even worth casting in place of something else most of the time.

I will have to look at the numbers at 70 but I would hope with better gear and at level 70 the instant heal and then proccing our passive with empowered would be worth something as it would be double dipping on hot with the extra time it has to heal? Maybe not and odds are the talent will just be skipped for other things.

Next time check before season 4 for io. A little more study you would see I haven’t played season 4 much. 3k in an over powered season 4 doesn’t mean what you think it does. But anyways. Investigative powers aside

Your wrong :).

A lot of people took breaks on Season 4 including myself. I had no interest in reprogging bosses I already spent weeks and months on. Most of my friends and ex-guildies I talk too were burnt out.

I was 3400 in Season 3.

Honestly… the only thing that made hpriest a bit better in m+ was damage lets be real here. Mob dmg increase and dmg nerf…… thats pointing towards something… and I think it’s holy paladin. :slight_smile: :cloud_with_rain:

Holy pally?

If Damage is the thing, M+ meta’s gonna be evokers, druids and disc priests.