Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I need a wow bard.


Thanks I guess I rambled on all topics on the entire thing at once I promise I am sleep deprived and also idk what toon that posted from I was playing wow and had a GM issue started reading toxic forums and posted idk why it would have came from an unused toon also I logged in. it was my first post unless it was years ago and I forgot .

Thanks for paragraphs! lol!


OH my why did I bother lul

I don’t think they were being mean spirited in the thanking you.


:sweat: I was very tame in that post trust me

Well yeah of course that’s the point of having a Blood Elf centric thread. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s also why we don’t like the people that come in trolling, harassing, derailing, etc.


Hey no problem :slight_smile: I know some players are a bit older and I detected that from the poster, I know they mentioned children and while there’s younger mothers, I wasn’t sure if she was one of the younger mothers or older generation, so tried to practice patience and be supportive.

Ahh that would make sense x3 I tried to engage best I could <3

Very much this!

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OH MY I am not that old certainly looking good with VSM . lots of people out here looking great with kids. Not a boomer I am too young haha! I am more into PC culture the online culture to be more specific I have been hesitant to post online in these forums . I do not want to seem out of context or serious if I am serious I would say so.

. Youtube NO TWITTER . too toxic

I found a recent thread just now a guy mentioned he wanted them to add the green eyes to VE. Not gonna lie I hate that they got them but everyone would be Horde. :)))) BE really got nerfed just my OP.


ok well not trolling and what sort of patience are you practicing? I literally can pull up comments from this thread that touched on everything I said rambling or not. sorry you sounded a bit condescending. So just asking what you held back feel free to be honest and let me know what you have an issue with that’s what discourse is for. Press X to doubt person photos are here but perhaps. Feels like the children in voice saying I was fat because I played wow 15 years ago LUL OK. I did send those idiots proof. you do not have to really be any age or look any type of way . This game has it all. And I am happy to chat with anyone really here I do not age discriminate. Of course we look good we chose Belfs hahahaha nothing personal .

I did not mean it negatively.

I’m quite happy you took the time to separate the paragraphs of your long wall of text.

You had an entire wall of text I read through and responded to, that’s the patience I am talking about. Most people won’t read a big wall of text. This was before you broke it into paragraphs.


this is taken way out of context . I meant posting not the people. I said that up top

I can remove it its fine :)))) make a void elf :slight_smile:

I will admit, I am confused. I didn’t mean to come off as offensive or anything, was just pointing out that from my observations, those in the older generation tend to wall-of-text things more. Wasn’t meant to be an insult. Many don’t like reading strict walls of text, hence me saying I was patience.

Anyway, I am glad you enjoy blood elves too and can appreciate them like many of us.


Super duper sorry my first post had a lot to say. Ben enjoying BE a long time. Not so much other things. But I knew better. That is completely my fault. This is a wild place and I read a lot before posting I had a lot on my mind on the matter. But its gone now so short and sweet.

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No worries, I tried to respond to the bits I could anyhow! Blood Elves are very interesting and I enjoy them quite a bit too, I’m hoping to see them get more love.

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Scratch that, I’m done :stuck_out_tongue:

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Between the wall of text the odd responses that don’t make a lot of sense and the use of the word “sprug” I kinda get the impression you’re not the sort of person I’d like to continue talking to.

I do wish you a good night sir and or madam.


i like the animations a lot