Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Felbloods, San’layn, and Phoenix themes are things I hope to see for blood elves.

Felbloods would need lore and updates, however. Still think they would be neat though.


Right, thank you, that’s another excellent example. I feel like there has to be more… hmmm. I dunno but something is up i feel.

Also we can’t discount the Phoenixes. I know we have the blue one I think? But the red one datamined and not given. People speculate it is the next 6 month reward.

I can’t help but wonder if that’s also… something.

Edit: Shame that no void themed mount was in there. Only AOTC void dragon…


I would as well but the whole eye color thing was and is crazy because our golden eyes or our green eyes doesn’t make a full theme it’s just eye colors, I mean for example I can’t use the red or pink skins with fel scars, black wings, etc. that fel has but yet somehow by the logic they had in the other thread the eye colors make us have full themes thus why I’m not shocked they are here trying to harass, troll, derail, etc.


Possibly, the only time some of the mounts didn’t mean anything were like really out there designs like the Pirate Ship and Mecha Dragon.

That’s the issue, yes. They toss in ‘well eyes are different themes’ when…they have varying eye colors too. But they also have mutagens with the void. They’re also asking for more. Which they should be if it’s void-related, we know it’s a mutagen based on the tentacles.

So we are asking for the same idea. Magical mutagens for our elves. Nightborne (Which need more) have their glows and such. Night elves have a bunch of nature-themed stuff. (Heck, toss them more nature-themed-stuff, I love that about night elves). Orcs have tons of different clans. (fel orcs would be interesting too, though.) And such like that. Blood Elves have many themes that are considered mutagen. San’layn are former blood elves loyal to Kael’thas. Felblood elves are formally loyal to Kael’thas. If people REALLY want to emphasize light, then lean into phoenix themes for that mutagen and give them fiery glows, brighter than DID as to not intrude upon their theme, but phoenix all the same.

Regardless? We’ll keep asking for it. :woman_shrugging: Worst that can happen is Blizzard continues to flat out ignore us, and we just leave. I’m drained with creative content as of late anyhow.

To be honest, I always figured this was a reference to Kul’tirans!

This one I think wasn’t an implication but after-the-fact mount, which was given to represent Mechagon and such. I love that design though I will admit wholeheartedly. I don’t know what it is about it.


I know I’m stuck on this but I still think it’s worth thinking about a bit:

“With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But its favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when the warmth of a campfire is nearby.”

So we know the eyes are emerald and not fel, most likely. Magical cat. “Favorite places IN ALL OF AZEROTH” so it’s not otherworldly, most likely… “Autumn leaves” which reminds me of eversong woods, and campfires. I don’t know. I’m looking into it too much probably, but I can’t get over how much this looks like a lynx. Except for the ‘fox tail’.

(Gods this thing needs a model update.) I feel like it would look kinda like that cat with a model update though with amber eyes and such. And a different tail, but I’m more talking about the color scheme.

The reds are different yeah, but…that lynx hasn’t been updated in gods know how long.

Given this his how a lynx looks like in real life:

The new mount looks like a lynx-housecat combo.

Edit: Okay actually the new mount looks like an irl lynx way more now that I’m looking at them more, though.


Caracals. Long ears with tufts, ruddy in color. Here’s a caracal larvae.


Ah feline larvae are so adorable.


I like the mecha dragon design too, wish there were more. The Dreadship was released during BFA though, so that can’t count.

Usually mounts for a hint of the next expac come out before the expansion.

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I’d rather they not do this.


Oh yeah I just figured in the ship case it wasn’t a hint for anything but like a mount given for flavor later! Not sure but I wish it was 2 person… I don’t think it is.

Anyway you’re right for sure on neither being hints. The new kitty I have a good feeling. I really really hope there’s implications for a return to Azeroth.


Gimme druids with lynx form blizz!


I hope so! I would like to return and see what’s happened to Azeroth. Shadowlands just seems so sullied.

Yes please, +1.


It might be tuft for them to implement.

… I’ll see myself out.


I laughed, but I love puns!


My mechagnome uses that mech dragon. It fit so well.

Please Blizzard. Return us to Azeroth.

After reading through this I’m not sure its in the right thread exactly…

You kinda skip through a ton of different topics only sorta related to one another…

In either case my friend. Paragraphs and page breaks!


Yeah this aspect gets really annoying and old, to be honest. Personally, male blood elves are the most attractive to me, moreso than others. It’s a preference thing, but… the whole ‘there are no male blood elves’ is one of the dumbest jokes in game.

Not sure! I’m a lady player who has both male and female characters, due to roleplay purpose, however.

Agreed, we’re together on that here in this thread :slight_smile:

No worries! I read through it and can tell you have a lot of passion for it, which is sweet to see. I think many of us have a lot of passion for this game, and it’s a great thing.

I would love a bard! Or necromancer. :smiley:

Eh, I think most people understand that asking for additions for blood elves is alright now. Some people on the forums can be rude & Toxic, but we try to keep ideas flowing.

Yes, I agree. In fact, this is one thing I like about WoW more than FFXIV. I wish everything was account bound in other games as well.

Yeah I have nearly 450 mounts because I was a collector, but wasn’t a hardcore player. At least not in the sense many people would consider. It does seem like Blizzard is just catering to the top 1% of PvE players and we’re very frustrated.

Not to mention every time they add customs, someone always complains ‘gameplay gameplay GAMPLAY!’ and says ‘those who want customs are RUINING THE GAME!’ when… in reality… Blizzard catering to them as the only fanbase seems to be doing the trick there. Sigh.


I knew that would get brought up lol… I think it all ties in to the entire thread. The comments, the races, the community, the entitlement its all here if you read it. Run on sentance coming in nicely toobs.

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I main Bard on FFXIV for now but am switching to Paladin.


Lol, I read through it three times and I was pretty confused so I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Not a direct reply like a direct reply to what you said but you get my props for actually putting in the time and the effort to break that down and to reply. :wink: :wink: :wink: