Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Even Orcs & Trolls can if they like.
Also does anyone remember that way back in 6.1 there were some Blood Elf model updates.
Without looking them up does anyone remember?

6.1 was wardads of draenor.

They made Blood Elf players wait longer for a buggy half bumed incomplete avatar rework. I remember a movement of people trying to push Blizzard to give Blood Elves dark skin back then.

I’m afraid I was, at the time, taking a break from WoW entirely.

Quite a shock to see the new models when I got back in Legion though.


People whining about store mounts aside, take a look:

Remember, store mounts aside from the Chinese New Year ones have implied things. I’m just tin-foil-hatting though, but admittedly, this cat does look blood-elfish. Or one that fits blood elves.

The vulpine ended up being an implication for Ardenwald. Runesaber for Nightborne. I’m sure there’s plenty of other examples.

But what do you folks think? Could it imply another zone? Perhaps a sun-lit one, a bright zone like Eversong? Or Silvermoon updates, or blood elf druid x3

If it DOES imply something anything remotely of what I’m saying though, I get major brownie points. It probably means nothing, but I honestly can’t help notice that trend of implications.

Regardless, if folks here have the gold saved up for tokens, this would look neat for a blood elf.


This new mount and the previous blue phoenix could mean that we might be exploring the cosmic plane of life soon.


I’ve been largely boycotting blizzard, cancelled all of my accounts but one, and so on. But given Bobby’s letter (they are making a good faith attempt to start to do better) I might make an exception.


Lol, I am guilty of wanting to buy that despite finding the current game to be pretty meh and not being happy with so called new customizations for Blood Elves and Nightborne. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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I think things will get better. They have to or the company will crash and burn. We could be approaching the gradual upswing.

Also, since I’m a sun elf main, I have to get sun kitty. But it might be when it goes on sale.


It’s not as good as the peacock mount with tail fanning action button in Final Fantasy but it’s a close second for me.

Final Fantasy has some amazing ones too. My only problem with their store is some of their mounts are not account wide.

All of these suggestions would make great Void Elf customization options :two_hearts:

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You seem lost. This thread is for Blood Elves only. Go suggest them in your own words in an appropriate thread.


My stance / vibe is I come in peace at all times but I’m home my porch light is on if you come to my door I will answer and you will get the smoke, what ever you’re bringing to my door I will blow it back.

This is like the epitome of that, this person came to the thread and you answered much nicer than I would have, you’re always nicer than me on that regard Zan.

I’m glad you did so we can just keep the constructive posts coming.

Edit: I still find it sad that an analogy about matching peoples energy that comes to you being one way of handling things but seeing someone else handle it better and me applauding that is being distorted.


I hope it means we’re getting an elf-centered expansion. That’d be a dream come true :elf: :heart:


Same. Might with my gold if I ever return in like a year or a few.


This is what I’m beginning to think.

Guess I’ll get to see Elune either get worse or perhaps they’ll be able to make her a little better in the future…


Wait wouldn’t these indicate the cosmic plane of light(ugh) as opposed to life?

I suppose sun and Phoenix themes wouldn’t be so bad. It’s the devout holy end of things I hate so much.

Whereas fire and flame, the piercing mercilessness of the sun is far more interesting that religious zealots who are built as Mary sues who can do no wrong.


They’re trying to derail the thread because they’re not getting enough attention.

Phoenix themes and things to do with flames would be interesting for Blood elves. That cat also reminded me of how much I’d love a druid for Blood elves. Colors remind me of a lynx.


Lol, truth be told they were on about how supposedly Blood Elves have so many themes that we can use as customizations, then when that got debunked they started about how our eye colors count as a full themes and that got debunked so then they came here and well everyone knows the rest that’s here currently.


The sylverian dreamer dragon looking mount was for Ardenweald as well

Seems like it’s 99% guaranteed the store mounts are a look into an upcoming expansion.