Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lovery summerize of the request changes, not only that you’re a beautiful male elf, you also seem like a very helpful beautiful person. Thank you =)

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I don’t think “Farstrider” aesthetics should be restricted to only blood or void elves. The void elf leader is an ex-Farstrider who wears the war paint people are after, and the actual Farstriders are blood elves who comprise two thirds of the blood elf government. It’s senseless for one branch to hoard those aesthetics when Blizzard’s solution to this debacle was to just give high elf options to both races.

It’s more esoteric stuff that should set the two apart, stuff rooted in the ways their themes actually have diverged. Sun vs stars, Light vs Void, rune vs tentacle tats, etc. Customization as basic as scars and war paint are things both groups should be entitled to.

Lot of interesting ideas being thrown around here, but I’ll be honest, I don’t think cramming exotic sub races like san’layn into the BE barber shop is realistic or even wise. For one, a race as unique as san’layn could (and should) carry their own AR, and watering them down to a couple of blood elf skins would be lame.


Kinda how I feel. Though even then I want there to be some differentiation in what we get.

Though I realize this is unlikely to be how blizzard will finally work it.

On the whole though I agree with you.

San’layn I think should be an AR on their own. Theres a lot that could be done there and their racials would be totally different.

Dark Ranger I think should be given if only for the RP option. Its been long requested and I don’t see a good reason not to grant it.


i disagree. void elves are still void elves and dont seem interested in cosplaying blood elf farstriders or blood elves in general. their npcs seem to prefer purple. its strange how sylvanas and dark rangers have their own twist on their farstrider roots but alleria is still clinging to that idea and wont embrace her new identity with the void

while blood elves are our high elves and should be the ones to represent that. voids have the option to look like an easter and an actual void elf, they are catered for if blizzard just wants to give them purple runes and more void stuff they cant really complain. so why give them anymore blood stuff? seems like a HUGE waste

void elves need blood themes as much as blood elves need void themes

yea i dont see it happening either. for the same reason as forsaken blood elves

theyre not a part of the blood elves. they dont live in or serve quel’thalas. and forsaken customization to be given to blood elves just cheapens the forsaken themselves and makes as much sense as giving undead skins to stormwind humans

I was trying to gatekeep the glorified Alleria hand-me-downs back in january. I still refuse to get anything remotely similar to her design, sorry but if the Belves must get warpaint to portray the Farstrider Corps there are different aesthetics they could get like this glorious mockup done by Izzabelle:

Or stuff like this:

I mean concepts to play and work with that aren´t a filthy copy / paste on Alleria are several. Drede was so nice as to put on an entire list to classify all and every kind of tattoo / runic scarification we could get.

the list put the AR first cause this was the hypothetical “AR” pass… I suppose the order will change depending on the words from the dev team (after Averie kindly told Linxy the core races were… not great; the devs most probably will finish with the “untouched races” (KT Humans, Z Trolls, DID, Mag´har, Vulpera and Mechagnomes) and will go back to the core races and so on and so fort.

But not unavailable to High elves dear… the Sunwell is connected to the High elves too. And you can bet they will demand their own piece of the customization pie for it considering Blizzard already told them to use the Velf toon to RP the Helf.

Nope, better to separate “themes” by both the lore of the races AND the faction they belong to, and using this premise we get:

-Undead elves represented as a RP tool for HORDE players (cause sorry not sorry, the only thalassian Dark Rangers in existence are part of the Horde, and the only time a San´layn tried to join the factions they did it to the Horde and while championing a model toggle for the Forsaken sounds “nice”, fact is, it´s waaay harder to do. And more importantly, the Forsaken players kinda deserve to get their own original model up to par and not to continue with the scoliosis issue just to catter to a minority on their fanbase that want to RP a dead elf).

  • Fel themes exclusive to Blood Elves explained via Illidari Stuff (sorry NOT sorry Zugyr, but last time I saw there were no High elves in the Illidari nor the Sunfury and the only Belves that went Alliance ended up fully mutated by blueberry void juice; ergo NOT a theme for them. Void clearly desplaced the Fel stuff in that case and thanks to the way it was displaced literally overrode it to the point we don´t even know if the Velves lost the whole conection to the Sunwell -must have happened or they would be spontaneously exploding or something).

  • Mutations ala: berserker models, wings, red eye color, etc. as a result of Dark animus exposure. Sorry NOT sorry, to play with Blood magic the way Belves do, you need both a little of fel AND the Dark Animus (basically speculated to be the blood or Ra-den); lack one you can´t get the effect. And Umbric et al lack access to the Dark Animus.

Belf cultural symbols like the Sun and the Phoenix shouldn´t either go to the Velves precisely because their very racial icon is a REJECTION on this stuff that became iconic for the Belves. The Velves can explore themes related to Void, Old Gods, Space (the starcursed effect is amazing), stars, void creatures, etc.

Exactly!! That´s why for our Warpaint Farstrider experience we proposed stuff inspired in the Orc and Troll warpaint U_U.

Tl;dr: the “idea” both races “have to share a base customization” is nothing but laziness, lack of creativity and honest to God, BS. We will never get quality stuff as long as we condone a lazy low effort on the stuff proposed to the art team.

Frankly, only people trying to pass as “fans” but that care only for once side defend this absurd stance. They are not popular here fyi.

My poor guys: unless people deliberately pretend only Lana´thel and the Princes count as “true San´layn”, you are asking a whole AR slot basically for this:

Welcome to the ACTUAL regular looking San´layn NPC. Yup, the glorified Belf DK aesthetics doesn´t seem terribly unique, do they?

Don´t mistake the hard work done by Fallynn et al in her thread with the REAL stuff delivered by Blizzard. As far as I´m concerned every nice suggestion done on that thread is NOT an actual representation of the WoW race, but the stuff fans of the vampire themes would like to see for the oldest iteration of vampires in WoW, no more and no less.


To be fair, they probably could look like that if they where to be implemented as an Allied Race. Which is where those original concepts came from. (To which there is still some hope for)

I still say they ripped off San’layn concepts for Ven’thyr.

I also like the Dark Ranger Mars, which are almost exactly what they are asking for but unique enough for everyone to be happy and don’t negate the Runes.

I particularly like the Starcursed Stuff.

And it’s literally an opposite theme to ‘Sun’ stuff, lol

My thoughts exactly.

Undead Elves of both groups are acceptable “Second themes” for Blood Elves.

This is exactly what I am expecting.

They are, indeed, glorious.


This is why I find it important to not get too hung up on wanting to see them interact with Quel’thalas. People take issue with that idea for one. It’s not necessary imo for two, we have exiles reach, so all we need is Velonaras citation / comments on staying Horde, and viewing Sin’dorei and forsaken as her kin, the easiest route is obviously BE implementation with the model + satisfies the call for a second visual theme. And if some takes the role play tool to quest in Quel’thalas and not exiles reach and they really go “how is this dark Ranger in Quel’thalas” the answer is how are you in Quel’thalas when the new start point is exiles reach of which both answers lead to … oh more RP tools because that’s not the current quest line of starting in racial zones etc


Yeah you’re right.

Getting hung up on it is just going to get in the way.

It’s far more important we see dark ranger options (or another theme) added before we think too hard on story additions.


Belves do have a Farstrider history though. Alleria was not the only thalassian elf to be a Farstrider. So the best thing to me would be to give both the style of tattoo but make the detail of those tattoos look different depending on the group of elves.


What about back tattoos then all of the male elves can go around shirtless.



Don’t do that to me…


I would support this.


We need more shirtless elven men.


Gotcha covered.

Shirtless (mostly) elf vampires

(not technically an elf but so what)


Thank you so much. :smiley:


I came, I looked, then I doubled back and looked again and I’m not disappointed. :yum: :yum: :yum:


People generally like my OCs and for the life of me I can never figure out why (I know why)



For some reason, I think this is an ipertunity to show off Farstrider Hanzo’s Tattoos again.


I certainly don’t mind.


Yes. Shirtless lads.
