Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Sharing? No not everything should be shared.

I agree.

Sorry if that wasn’t clear about my own view.

Everyone knows that the whole sharing thing only works if it’s from Horde to Alliance or Blood Elves to Void Elves which is still Horde to Alliance, we never get the same or equal treatment in that regard.

It sets a precedent that any future new race won’t have their own uniqueness.

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Some sharing probably isn’t going to do that. All sharing sure could.

Again though I’m not into sharing all things and think there should be some differentiation.

like with void elves? all these people talk about is blood elf themes

That’s because your male and you already look your very best as you’re beautiful!

But we need to compete all the time for the looks and competitions ingame, other races talk behind our backs about how we were once the real High Elves if any race could look simular to how they looked around the time of the 2nd war.

Magic changed us but didnt take away our High Elf blonde hair.
Now just like how that void changed em other elves to look all blueberry like they lost their blood elf hair colors.
Now all of a sudden they come up with Blonde hair? Where from… the Void?

Look the issue I have is all of these changes don’t have any solid Lore behind the reason and that is what’s wrong with what is happening with Warcraft.

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I mean… I am terribly beautiful…

Could use a scar or two…

Magic didn’t change us.

We just had a little reaction to some Fel radiation. We’re still the same…

One reason I want blizzard to expand the Rift for Void elves and show them using a new ritual to make new void elves that come out with random void Elf customization.

Also I’d love if they did something for sand trolls if they actually meant that to be such…

I don’t think they’d need to explain much for blood elves honestly. Maybe show Dark Rangers deciding to return home or something? But even that doesn’t seem needed given the end of BFA.


All new characters start in exiles reach so they don’t need to show anything on that front.

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Magister Rommath has Runic Arm Sleeves.

That puts it a bit ahead of Night Elf Vines and is literally the ‘advertising’ for Blood Elves.

Thing is I was always open to ideas. No one wanted to discuss things, just argue.

I added Felblood/Dark Ranger/San’layn Subrace ideas I was accused of trying to currupt Blood Elves.

I think Alleria stuff are/should go to High/Void Elves I get griped at for taking things Blood Elves don’t have.

I get griped at for not including braids and omber hair after showing a WIP that they are on the list I just haven’t posted it yet…

There’s no winning with these people.

Quite frankly, if they are still on this mess after the fight is LITERALLY OVER I don’t need or want it.

Notice it’s always them responding to me focusing on Runes for Blood Elves but never me going after them for asking for it?

It’s not me denying them. It’s them trying to say Void Elves should not get them.

And the SUPREAMLY Ironic twist is I am asking for Dark Ranger Marks/Facepaint/Makeup/Warpaint for Blood Elves. which is almost EXACTLY what they are asking for, but in a more Iconic/Unique way that works for ALL Blood Elves and potential San’layn/Dark Ranger/Felblood Subraces! And works with the Horde aesthetic!

See what I’m saying? It’s pointless, I already let go. They keep going at it.

I’m trying to follow Fallynn’s advice and just not focus. But it’s never ending!

See, THIS is what I’m fighting against.

Alliance already has High Elves now. Void Elves need unique things and so do Blood Elves.

There is no Stretch of the imagination Void Elves are not getting Alleria’s Tattoos/Markings/Void Scars/ Whatevers. All we have to do is wait.

There is a GOOD chance Blizzard will be lazy and mess everything up. Especially Blood Elves. Since they have so much more potential with Runes/Phoenix Stuff and Dark Rangers/San’layn/Felblood options.

IMO the sooner people see that, the better.


True, but I’d still like it.

Eh OK fair point.

You never seemed to respond well to my asking you to add it back then.

I remember I got rather heated a few times because of it.

For which I apologize. Recent events have made it abundantly clear things have gone too far here and there and it wasn’t fair for me to get mad about it.

I often feel the same from more than one side.

I can only accept that is how they feel and I won’t be able to convince them.

I think your feelings are very valid even though I may not entirely agree.

I understand the frustrations.

I won’t poke you about it further.

Like I said your feelings are valid and I can understand that.

I… Agree with this.


It kind of leaves a feeling of a used hairbrush or worse a used toothbrush. That’s it…the 9.5.1 changes feels like they taken something personal.

Those people are also elves and we have to fight to stay on top!

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void elves having 100% normal blood elf options is just a retcon. same with blood elves having the human range of skin tones now. all customization is vetted by the lore team

but they are still just a soulless clone of a blood elf. void elf is the perfect name for them. instead of letting them be unique and get new stuff all the above do is lobby for more blood elf stuff. if they were that confident they wouldnt be spamming

i want void red eyes, fangs and claws. oh and purple runes for my void elves. thats how you differentiate blood elves from voids. and i think that is how it will go. just like with night elves and nightborne, their focused pass actually created distance between them

Well that makes me feel a little better after reading.

/wipes away some hate and tears

I’d invite you to peruse the Void elf thread but I know you’ve already seen it. Void options are things that most are looking for with the race.

Just for funsies heres the list I’m still fiddling with for Blood Elves.

  • Amber eyes, orange eyes, red eyes, pink eyes. Also teals and between green and gold colors to represent our eyes shifting from green to blue or gold. (bonus if there is one for green to purple) Phoenix eyes as well.
  • farstrider, runic, arcane, henna, pheonix or slightly fire based looking tattoos kinda like the Nightborne have going on.

Kinda hoping farstrider tattoos will be Braveheart like.

Henna like tattoos are neat as well as Ariel pointed out.

  • Scars, body and head…
  • Pink Hair…also a few more shades and colors of hair in general.
  • Damaged ears
  • Beards
  • Fully encompassed blind options… Including half blind options that actually hits every color for both sides.
  • Depending how Blizzard chooses to do it I’d like to either see San’layn or Dark Rangers be represented as well… though my preferred is with San’layn as their own AR and Dark Rangers as customization for blood elves.

i do agree tho that catering to an extremely tiny minority is why the lore is a joke now

So Blizzard did some really funky things with the position of the geometry on the hair textures.

They fold some over like an accordion 🪗 to extend the lines without stretching. While I understand why they did it that way, it makes things like ombres not really doable without going into the model of certain hair styles and moving around and warping the geometry on the UVs.

The version of blender I’m using is behaving weirdly so I can’t actually do it myself at this time. I’ll have to download the newest version and toy with it later.


Thats interesting.

Whats the reasoning they’d do that you think? (just out of curiosity and you know things)

Probably something about pixels turning into long streaks that look funny if stretched too far.


It really irks me they haven’t been added yet.

You where significantly more polite about it then most.

And if I remember correctly, our arguments where more about the naming conventions.

And the funny thing is I kind a did with the Dark Ranger Marks/Face Paint Ariels suggested. Which are almost exactly the same but unique enough and they don’t interfere with Runes.

But as I said, it’s more people not wanting it on Void Elves then actually wanting them.

Eah it’s pointless.

I should just play the Oogie Boogie song whenever I post ideas.

Sometimes it feels like I’m trying to help the people who fuss more than they help themselves lol

Sad but true. Blizzard will half-ars this if given the room.

So I say, Alleria’s Tentacle-Like abstract patterns that glow with Void Energy in her Void Form for Void Elves. Magister Rommath/TBC Box Art Runes that glow with every Magic for Blood Elves.

Then we work from there.