Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I mean it’s not like were asking for tails.

So how about em void elves then?

oh i embrace the whole forever young and healthy thing because i currently look like i’ve been beat with the ugly stick.

Also before anyone gets too offended, I’ll call my wants the personification of “not a phase” if it helps people feel better :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw! Can’t comment due to no idea. I’m more talking about lore. Also why ‘thunderforging’ them would be super interesting in my opinion, and I would actaully play one if that was a thing (it won’t ever be though)

what? like zap zap?

Yeah like I believe they discussed customization having to do with lightning, possibly glowing blue hair in this case, brighter blue eyes, lightning-related markings and tatts, perhaps an aura, that sort of thing, which would give high elves shamans as well. (Though they should NOT get shaman before blood elf druid, imo.)

That idea and lore actually does sound really interesting to me because it would bring flavor. Blue raspberry flavor.

High elf fans pushed that a long time ago though, seems like not many people jumped on it.

Yeah basically hahaha!

Oh, in that case yes, there are some “amazing” dudes/dudettes selling that BS today.

Honest to God, they are just trying to pull the pity card any way they can, no more and no less. Some even implied Belves shouldn´t get “too much stuff” cause “we already have too much” and their poor wittle dying Alliance needs the special gloves treatment.

Ridiculous. People have every kind of reasons to stick to one of the factions gameplay wise, and no amount of Vanilla Barbie coddling will erase this fact.

Beauty is on the inside. Your actions is what matters, not how many scars or wrinkles you have.

Why do you think I said no WoW race is “ugly” cause all have their own beautiful moments.

Nope, too busy trying to poach the Belf stuff for it.

Frankly and after the whole Akunda stuff, nowadays it seems more a Troll proper theme.

there’s something in here

I don’t know why in that case there’s not more of a push for unique races like ethereals or Arakkoa then. Might not ‘save the faction’ (I don’t know why there is imbalance. I personally find the horde more interesting, hence why I won’t be an alliance player ever.)

Yeah exactly. While the barrier survives, it’ll be rare for people to swap entirely.

YEah true, and in MoP too. Zanda never got storm troll customization come to think of it.

That´s becasuse they actually don´t care over the high end content issue, they just use it as a crutch to beg for special treatment, no more and no less.

Hypocritical behaviour from hypocritical people, no more and no less.

As long as the devs insist in portraying the Alliance as these one-dimensional perfectly perfect goodie two shoes who can´t do no wrong, I won´t bother with them, period.

I cant´relate to such artificial portrayal.

They still can, no actual pass for them.

fantasy video game. :grin:

Oh sorry, i thought you meant you as in the irl person behind that keyboard.

This is embarrasing… :no_mouth: :no_mouth: :fearful:

hehe. sorry. irl, meso ugly. nothing to fix it. fingers mangled, hair falling out. missing breast. look like i might be a chernobyl survivor. but in wow, i’m a youthful pretty elf.

You don´t need no beautiful elf avatar to be beautiful.

Damn, you made me remember the Chernobyl series… so many things that have happened in this world, so many people hurt that we don´t appreciate enough.

let me put it this way, as i pass a mirror i go eek. lol its a sign i’m dying and i love being alive.

Aw, well it’s cool that you can be happy in a game, I think that’s the beauty of games like this and why people are so adamant about all of this.


Well, put that way I guess it´s good this game provides you a way to feel happier with yourself.

Hopefully it will continue to do so for more years.

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if i were to apply to v:tm, i’d be something like nosferatu who thinks she’s toreador lol …resulting in a weird malkavian offshot. yeah, think nos and mal have kid, thats me. lol

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Void elves are welcome to tails if they want em. They may have to fight the worgen for them.

I’ll get the popcorn.