Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I kinda liked the body beads a little but they’re really impractical and I would never actually use them on anything but my metrosexual warlock.

Speaking of phoenixes, one of my Blood Elf mages canonically had a phoenix tramp stamp tattoo on the small of his back. Canonically he also dresses in drag and sings in a cabaret like the queen :crown: he is.


Very well put together outfit elegant enough to be seen as a male High Elf

/wait that was not a male character. I had thought hairstyle male!

My man, that´s perfectly ok for you to RP to yourt heart´s content becasue you don´t do it with malice.

I doubt any good sentiment came from Afriasiabi et al regarding this same feature… they proposed it not to allow people to express, but to mock the “effeminates”.

There I said it.

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<–old female. i’m an antique. :grin:

I made a mistake, though me thinks it would also look great on a male High Elf as old as yours.

i love this hairstyle. its why i have it on alot of my belfs.

I feel that I flaunt my elves enough on the forums and I am not on any interesting realms such as yours sisters of elune =)

Which of course makes there (yours) backstory more interesting as each my guess would have their own story other than just being another blood elf! Agree?

/See it can go hand in hand with this very thread. ie requesting customizations for a reason of creating & building upon a already very good Blood Elf character.

It sort of points out that some customization is a necessary.

hm, i dont rp anymore. use to run an rp writing realm and found that some people would immerse themselves so completely in-character, they would lose touch with reality. like one fellow was rp-ing a sith lord in a star wars free form rp, and he got really gruesome, far surpassing anything written in official star wars, even compared to anything in the extended universe. i mean it was free form but not THAT freeform.

I think part of why Blood Elves, especially male Blood Elves, have been so mistreated is that they’re effeminate and queer coded compared to all the other races.

I said it.

jealousy. male and female blood elves are modelled after actual fashion models. they saved the horde faction and i can prove it. (this is lilock)

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Maybe they do have some visual features, but the lore disagrees quite harshly. We can´t say Rommath is effeminate when the dude is the angry a-hole he is.

I think is more about fairness to portray a broader and more lore appropiate characterization of the race. As you mentioned these are the people who survived WoW´s version of World War Z, they certainly got back their nation by pulse and suffering and no joke about them fearing the mythical broken nail will contradict the facts exposed by the lore.

They may “look” effeminate, but they can be as manly as your average gorilla looking human too.

I´m just tired of people pretending the looks are literally the only parameter we need to make judgements and aseverations.

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From time to time we face situations like such and when a boundary had been broken, it can change the way one might foresee future rp engagements. Trust is the most important boundary and extremely difficult to find ingame. (in another person even)

The male Blood Elf players character voice actor is an openly gay openly HIV positive person.

This and their visual is part of why I see queer coding.

And I do think the lack of care, especially for the male Blood Elves, is rooted in bias.

well i agree with ariel. rommath is studly.
also, ancient greece, whole army was gay and they were excellent fighters and strategists.

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It’s possible to be masculine and queer also.



aye. not sure where the idea of physical beauty being a barrier to physical prowess, came from.

/toothy grin

THIS. The problem is, for your average Afriasiabi esque troll, this isn´t possible. You´re either a “macho looking bro straight as an arrow” of a “effeminate closeted gay wimp”, no other combination available.

And that mentality is disgusting, period.

Salty nerds that never tried to work on their actual appearance or coddled jocks who thrived in mocking “queerness”, two possible origin combinations.

Regardless, both stances feed on misogyny and as a female irl I despise anything that feeds on misogyny or any other discrimination iteration.


i liked my misogynist so much, i married him. now i adore him. he’s the bee knees. :sparkling_heart:

Please tell me he left behind the misogyny tendencies when you married.

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