Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Are you wanting eyes that gradient across vertically so one eye is like red and one eye orange?

Or so both eyes start with one color at the top and change gradually towards the bottom?

That takes about five seconds to do in Photoshop.


I can do that! I plan to work on tattoos too. I am going for ranger themed ones that embrace a phoenix aspect.

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I´m talking an eye that is for example, colored pink near the puppil and goes in the usual Ashes of A´lar color pattern outwards and ends up orange in the limit of the iris.

The color pattern starts near the pupil and changes towards the outer circle of the iris ala this example:

It was the only idea I got regarding how to put a “phoenix effect” on the eyes now that Belf eyes aren´t as bright as a lantern. The regular eyes are basically this effect but going from white to green/yellow/blue/purple.

To not get stuck in only one color scale, i proposed to make available the color scheme of the Felo´melorn artifact base aspect (look some posts above, i put on the proper links ANd some kind posters helped me put on their T3 magic images). Heck, maybe modify ALL the Belf eye options this way?


Oh. That’s also pretty easy.

I can do it in under a minute, or a few minutes depending on how much detail is desired.


My man you are doing me a HUGE favor, feel free to mockup as basic as you want considering I´m poor and I can´t pay you as I should.

Yours would be a service in our benefit, so invest the time and effort you can, we will appreciate the gesture regardless and infinitely.


Okay so you grab the texture file. You select the eyes. You control U to hue shift them.

Then you create a new layer and use a soft edge brush and put down the second color in the center of each eye. Maybe gaussian blur. Then set the layer to something like soft light or overlay. Done.


There is any way this kind of artistic feature would be able to “break” the model? Lilock mentioned some animations “break” the conditions for the models to work and end up crashing the game, could this eye effect have a similar “crashing” feature?

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Changing from art mode to software engineering mode.

I can’t say for sure because :spaghetti: spaghetti code but I highly doubt it.

Basically it’s a raster graphics file (png, jpg, tga, whatever).

I suspect that there’s a basically a list of options and links within the data structure to texture files and all they have to do is increase the range by one for that section and add in some ui.

The head texture contains the eyes if I remember correctly.

They might have multiple head textures and select eye textures independently. So it might not even require much at all.


yeah i was referring to hair 3d model things that contain animation/bones. they apparently have a smaller budget for pc bones vs. npc bones. so our pcs have less impact on the server. this is why nightborne npcs are better defined than player nightborne.and also why our allied races are just copy/paste bones/animations of existing models with textures being the only thing that differs.

eyecolors would be cheap and easy.

I don’t think Blood Elf hair had any animated rigging. We’re Blizzard’s least loved race.

To be fair most of the customizations would be cheap and easy.


the players love elves.

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How about Elf Dragons?

Gestures to Blood Elves’ half complete customizations.

Blizzard doesn’t like Blood Elves.


we (the players) do though (this is one of lilock’s belfs. got like 10 belfs lol)

she’d look great with red eyes, now that i think about it


I just wish that we got some love during the pass dedicated to core races. It’s crap that we’ll have to wait to get anything meaningful.

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Thank you so much for this answer, it gives me hope regarding this customization suggestion.

I´ll admit I REALLY liked it, heck, I like it even for the lore potential it has (imagine a quest chain ala Night Warrior in which the Belves make a " magical pact" with the Phoenixes from the elemental plane to get protection for Quel´thalas in the dawn of the Jailor´s menace? Or maybe the Horde gets An´she endorsed to the faction and the Belves join the club via Phoenix worship or something).

I´ll confess i never liked the old “Light worship” angle the devs tried to put on the Belf race, for me it has been a point of content in favor of the people obssesed with kicking them out of the Horde and into the Alliance. I rather the Belves used a phoenix “religion” more in line with their elf background than to follow into the steps of the Humans for the sake of it.

Yup, I remembered it ergo why I had to ask regarding the eyes.

It is a legitimately speaking VERY interesting concept we could exploit in favor of Belf uniqueness. Heck, I would love to get these kind of eyes replacing the current model, so the Belves get more funny colored eyes to differentiate from Velves and Helves (Belves the phoenix variant textures and Velves the N´zoth design as unique features for each race while they keep the current design to denote “Helf” RP).

I have a better argument for you. Remember the datamined “body jewerly”? I figured out later, but it´s literal “lingerie” jewerly (as in jewerly you put on together with lingerie cause the people that will see it will see the underwear too):

Looks familiar? I got shivers of the BAD kind when I decided to research. And the males were to be given the exact same designs, perpetuating the “race with NO males” joke.

Averyx mentioned that as soon as the models were datamined, people on twitter made mockups with lingerie, and a few hours later the jewerly was taken down. When we take into account Blizzard probably already KNEW about the lawsuit, it all starts to make sense.


We just have to shriek loudly. A lot. And spam the forums. Or something.


Looking good, Uncanny / timewalking -)

working on it. hehe!

why thank you. :innocent:

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