Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Hehehe, then you have a pair of very unique eyes -very pretty too-. Not sure about light colored eyes, but brown eyes are usually a plain uniform blob of color.

I frankly wonder If Blizz can pull this off or if this is indeed invokes too much technnical issues?

Typical Blizz.

We can only dream, though the fact it was open to both Horde and Alliance does make one question what was the final goal (I mean no offense but I don´t think Velonara would recruit your average gnome into the corps).

Thatr´s what I´m worried about, though they pulled the N´zoth eyes and those aren´t terribly different in regards to having 5 colors or more in the iris.


Thanks! When I was a kid, the kids at school either said I had freaky eyes or beautiful eyes. Since I’m autistic (can’t really vouch for other autists) I don’t look people in the eyes so I never realized that heterochromia is rare.

It depends on the person really.


Farstrider tattoos should be unique new exclusive Blood Elf options and are sorely needed with the lack of literally… any impactful or unique options.

Also stop locking accessories that’s so weird


Red eyes for blood elves in the very least should be given.

Fang & claws toggle for blood elves. >> San’layn options.


Red eyes should have already been given to Blood Elves along with the golden and blue. :yum: :yum: :yum:

And this in addition to Dark Rangers should be given to Blood Elves as customizations if not Horde as two new Allied Races, I’ll take either as long as it’s Horde exclusive. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


If we can shamelessly take stuff from your thread… can I please ask for the dripping blood effect to get added?

Not for me but I bet It´d make a lot of people happy in here.


Yeah sure, that’s a super cool idea and I love it!


I´d like for Blizz to add the poison dripping daggers enchant sometime soon… I miss it so much.


some oldie but goodie vaanel art


Yes I love for heterochromia to be available for all races tbh.

Specifically for Blood Elves I want to be able to see people be allowed to show their eye colors changing to what ever magic they feel most attuned to for their character. If they see their character as the holiest of holy Paladins then maybe their eyes are turning from their original blue to gold, or maybe they’re green is just barely wearing off so it’s a green and gold etc


I just want Blood Elves to get a customization pass.

Compared to what other races got, and considering that half the time dedicated to Blood Elves was stolen by another group who shall not be named, we didn’t get a pass at all. I think we deserve a real pass getting things equivalent to what other races got.

  1. A second visual theme.
  2. Hair ornamentation.
  3. Warpaint or tattoos (ranger and runic).
  4. Scars.
  5. Separation between beard and mustache into two different selection options so we can mix and match.
  6. Jewelry or something else to go in those slots for men.

There is no excuse outside of anti-Blood Elf bias for these things to not be implemented. Not a single excuse.

Ps: Why are male Blood Elf underpants brown when they could be red?


I plan to do more scar mock ups (including scarred ear options) in the next few days, hairstyles as well, and freckles, hair colors, and dark ranger themed customizations.


Once I’m done getting caught up on homework I’m going to do a mockup of properly colored male Blood Elf knickers.


Darn I sincerely wish I had skill in mock ups. Technically I have a photo editing program that’s basic as heck, but it’s not enough for what I would want to do. I can only represent my ideas with art I already have seen or got for my characters x.x

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See, I’m actually a 3d modeler and I actually can take the models and the textures and add geometry and edit the textures.


Yeah that’s awesome. I can’t do that at all, which is annoying since I can’t convey my ideas like that. Cool skill to have, I admire that!

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Many local community colleges offer classes in 3d modeling for fairly cheap.

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I don’t have time for anything like that, if I’m going to be completely honest. Writing takes up much of my time, as does a full time job. It’s a cool idea, but wouldn’t be a true valuable skill given my goals in life, so a waste of time >< I’d commission some stuff, buuuut my money goes to art of characters for my book.

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The struggle.

On top of everything else I’m doing I’m thinking about starting a business with a Kickstarter.

Basically I want to make the world’s most inclusive pride flag store, including LGBT and subcommunity pride flags (excluding identities that were made as hate groups) as well as maybe some fandom flags.

Stickers, graduation stoles, lapel pins, etc. as well.

I need like 3 grand to get started. That will pay for a PO box, incorporation, membership to the local rainbow chamber of commerce and certifications, domain, WordPress plugins and theme, and some initial stock.

Gonna be busy.


Stuff like scars and heterochromia are universal and indeed all races could benefit. the key is to make the design different for each race.

I proposed central heterochromia to play with the phoenix eye effect Fallyn proposed above. I´m not a graphic artist but the current eyes are basically a soft degradee going from the base color to white, I don´t think adding one of two colors to the scale would be too hard to do but experts may have to try and give me the answer.

It would give us unique eyes if this is the only thing the people obssesed with poaching from us may respect.

So I suppose this means Lilock and Zandrae would be able to give me the answers.

Considering the Blood Knights original color, the briefs should had been black tbqh.

If you can Averie, I´ll shamefully ask you to try the phoenix eye color effect just to see if ir´s possible.