Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

No it does not. There does seem to be something going on with Icecrown, specifically in the Halls of Reflection.…615126528?s=20

Thank you!


In the kyrian covenant you do a quest that shows the undead attacking redridge as well.


A person on reddit tried to tell me that it was a “flashback” but I didn’t think so.


Definitely not, you help Kleia with her first soul. She wasn’t ascended previously so it can’t be a flashback.


San’layn and dark rangers CONFIRMED! it’s obvious they’re planning on adding a questline for them there!!! (NOTE I AM JOKING! JOOOOOKING! JOKING! I had to.)


Thank you for reaffirming what I already thought I knew. Those people made me doubt it, but you’re exactly right.

LOL I wish. Please be right.


If by some twist in parallel universe, my joking post happens to be right, I need to be obligated to do something crazy. Hmmm… I know. I’ll cosplay as a San’la— wait I do that regularly. Nope. Okay, something more unusual.

Oh I know.

I’ll write a fanfiction based on the first three responses to whoever actually finds that post. Limit to 20 words of description, nothing offensive, needs to be WoW related. Can be mature.

Qualifier: Actual San’layn/Dark Rangers as playable, fangs & claws included for vampyr. This little tidbit would need to be related/lead up to it.

Boom :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol, not cool Fall, I thought you had seen something on like Wowhead or something and I went to look after I just read this. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Haha nah I’m just being silly and mimicking the ‘CONFIRMED’ people whoo do that at any ‘relevant’ information.


I’ll take half blame because I only read the first part before the other so I got prematurely excited and was like yes finally. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Darn I need to be more careful and label things:

“BEFORE THIS IS READ REALIZE I AM MAKING A JOKE!” rather than after :laughing: Still…gotcha! And sorry :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha, I just really want San’layn and Dark Rangers for the Horde or at least the customizations for Blood Elves and for Horde either way I was super excited because it ranks up there with my pink hair for all races request. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Omg 2 days too late but take my congrats and my upvote… when I can -stupid upvote restriction, grrrrr!!!-


Please, instead of him becoming actually cool he would make the whole DK class lame.

It´s his most consistent effect as the default lore blackhole in this game.

I´m weird cause I don´t actually dislike the “holes”? I mean it makes some haircuts more “punkish”.

I personally rather keep the whole than to see 10 small braids taking it´s place, now those seem weird to me (maybe just put ONWE big braid or ponytail?)

U-ho. Bad news considering that dungeon had lore relevance related to Sylvanas -as a loser- and Jaina -as a doormat-.

I can already see them both re-enacting their appearance but just to scream /Anduiiiinnn!!! / :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

Wasn´t there a mythical datamined indication about a possible quest involving Velonara in SL alpha if my memory is right?

I just hope the devs see they can give us the red eyes anytime before SL ends considering short of half of the regular devs got kicked out from Blizzard this week (lawsuit related issues I think).


Yeah I was mainly being facetious with that suggestion.

Oh god.

There was. It’s part of a storyline called Memento of the Dark Rangers. The quest is called “The Dark Ranger’s Pupil” and it is still in Wowhead’s database along with another called Dark Rangers, Dark Times.


I don’t want braids myself… Just some hair to fill it.

Some of them are fine without being filled but others are really weird.

Going back to the topic AND taking Lann´s heterochromia suggestion into account I found this:

Central heterochromia is maybe the way to implement the “phoenix eyes”? I mean if the devs believe an eye color to be a “good enough” differentiation between Belves and Velves / Helves, then I think Belves getting phoenix eyes ala central heterochromia effect could work (it would AT LEAST mean something indeed unique for the race out of all the other races in the game).

And to implement it wouldn´t need to be too hard, just put the darker color on the outer extreme of the iris and the lighter in the center (so for the classic orange to pink phoenix effect, I´d put the orange in the outer extreme of the iris and the bright pink in the center).

The names are downright cruel… implies someone getting literally “adopted” into the Dark Ranger corps in more recent times (something that would indeed imply people making the transformation to Dark Rangers nowadays? as in “Night Warrior” esque quest chain?).

I don´t remember if the quest was Horde exclusive or open to both factions?

I think Magnificent posted some ages ago in this thread… I honestly didn´t like any of them cause it was this “braid overload” that looked pretty weird.


Not a bad idea.

Yeah… Wow braids are pretty thick so too many seems weird to me.


I don´t know how else to reflect a freaking color scale on the eyes. I know Fallynn mentioned a “magical effect”, but short of representing the color scale on the iris how else could we show the color scale as an outer effect AND make it noticeable enough? The devs literally toned down the “lantern” effect on Belf eyes already.


I have central heterochromia. My eyes are light green (I have low pigmentation in my eyes) and the center is brown. For the longest time I thought everyone had central heterochromia. Guess not?

I love LOVE your idea on using central heterochromia to portray phoenix eyes. Imagine golden with red or orange rings.

That’s the way I understood it as well. Yes, the names are cruel, kind of liking teasing a starving dog with steak and then pulling it away. “More Dark Ranger content- Just kidding.” I guess they could still be used as they are still in the database and haven’t been removed yet. It does imply that there are new Dark Rangers being made/raised or trained. It had something to do with the Scarlet Monastery.

The quest was open to both Horde and Alliance if my memory serves.


Imagen if this was a Night Warrior styled thing.

Yeah, it’s a really cool idea but I don’t think Blizzards Engine could pull it off sadly.

That sounds pretty cool looking!

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