BG's are just cancer

As the title states this patch bg’s are cancer with the amount of hunters. The buffs to hunter have just made this insane especially for low level. Sorry but hunters should be nerfed down a bit survial damage is just way over the top


have you not fought a boomy yet?
I would gladly take a hunter over a boomy or a mage any day of the week with out questions.


remember when hunters didn’t own bgs from level 10-39? me neither because its been like this since day one. dont open with death grip.


It’s hard enough to balance max level pvp. Forget about the lower levels.

I dont have issues with a boomie Hunters at lower level bgs are just way too op. Survival can easy 2 shot just about anything when they have ok gear. The stun is just stupid long. I can deal with mages. Hunters I just have a burning hatred for them because they are just in a cancerous state right now so much in fact that 90% of the bgs I am in have atleast 4-6 hunters in it most of them twinks.

It can be balance but they wont, or they Lazy, or they want it to be Like this.

The only way to balance WoW would be to normalize all classes and specs, which make for a boring game. Blizzard will only attempt to balance the game at max level and even then it’s Rock/Paper/Scissors balancing.

As a priest, I hate facing Hunters in anything, because my DoTs becomes practically useless. However, when I’m on my Hunter, I hate facing Rogues, Monks, Warriors and Paladins. If Hunters weren’t strong against DoT classes, they would be weak against every class. How would that be fair?

The hatred towards Hunters right now is almost exclusively from the classes that are weak against them. It’s almost like everyone just thinks Hunters should be free kills.

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A death knight complaining about hunters.

Oh the irony.

I’ll tell you why I went back to my hunter after playing lock and mage for most of shadowlands.

I wanted a way to stop the crazy global death. I found my mage and lock getting caught in situations where a boomy, rogue or pally were deleting me in a few seconds.

Also i couldn’t get a cast off in many fights.

My hunter doesn’t suffer from interrupts and if I get in trouble I can feign death or turtle.

That’s my reason for playing a hunter in 9.1. I can’t speak for everybody though

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Hunters are scary. They were scary when they had 1 pet, now with double trouble haha. However, there is one way around them. I always make sure I am not their primary target, let one of my ally take the beating in RBGs, my ally will probably suffer massive concussion but I will be fine and then I run in when the hunter has fewer CDs. Yes, 2v1 for tough 1v1 scenarios is a legit strategy. Hunters tend to be arrogant enough.

i play mine because shooting through walls is a game changer. no pet for extra pewpew.

Oh I wish I could shoot through walls. I wanted to change thing to use that ability but I’m not going to do the whole renown thing all over again lol

Just did one with a 56k HP resto druid and a 51k boomy…
The gear gap is stupid too

This is just not true, While getting 100% perfect balance might be impossible. If we had PvP devs whos job was to just constantly tweek numbers and make PvP changes, like for only PvP, not effecting PvE at all, things would be so much better than it is right now.

We have a few problems right now.

  • No PvP devs, it seems PvP is mainly just something they work on in their offtime.

  • Unbalance because of a lack of PvP devs and too many systems stacked on top of each other.

  • The Esports stuff, because of this Blizzard will usually stop making changes once a season get’s going so their Esports players don’t get their OP meta spec ruined before the tournament. This is a problem in PvE too.

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Not sure what your point is here? Ok I will play along… A warrior complaning about a dk complaining about hunters…
oh the irony???


Blizzard does not care about its pvp community because we are much smaller than the PvE goons. That is where blizzards money comes from and thats where they will pay the most attention unfortunately this is how it goes in most games even Elderscrolls Online its the same way.