BG forums lounge

Regretttably, I’m changing to Skeram. The 59 twink guild I’m a part of is moving, and I’ve been trying to get my IRL friends off Herod, so this works out for me.

I have a week off of work starting tuesday, so I want to avoid packed servers.

Son of a Jdpp…


Is Skeram an Eastern PVP server? I’m still trying to get old guildmates from Vanilla to come back but they won’t. One of them is too deep in to FFXIV and the other… Minecraft (wtf?).

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So I go to login last night after I ate and got a lua error immediately after the game booted and was loading the character screen. Didn’t think anything of it till I logged in and all my addon settings were reset. Not sure what the heck happened but needless to say I got rid of the 3 addons I really liked.

Any of them reflex?

Yup, EST PVP. I expect it to be full by the end of the week, but it will be better than Herod I hope.

Everyones just following me which worked out well. Its so hard to handle these servers when you have 4 different groups of people you have to coordinate.

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Nope I use few addons and the ones that fully reset were dot focus, zperl, mics scrolling battletext, and quartz. I may redo the zperl but I just got rid of mics and dot focus completely.

I never heard of this. I just googled it and that’s pretty neat tbh. It would have helped when I attempted to play feral early bfa.

Yeah it lights up different colors when you rip would have been stronger than current for snapshotting. I mainly used it for the bigger energy bar with combo points tracker and bear form had frenzied regen tracker on the rage bar. Not positive but fairly certain it puts all dots above enemy characters so easier to se what is and isn’t dotted

Keep a copy of your addons folder in another location so that you can always copy/paste if things get messed up. I also do this for my macros files.
Saves lots of time :+1:

Eh the only ones I had fully set up and customized were mics and zperl and I got rid of mics. Might reset up zperl this weekend but mics was a pain.

I used to have a LOT of settings for TradeSkillMaster. Hours of work was put into it.
Somehow I lost those settings but I can’t remember exactly how.
Learned my lesson at that point. Back up add-ons.
Also have a lot of macros which I would never remember on my own. Backed those up as well.

Now if anything ever goes wrong it’s a quick fix.

I had a fun/epic moment last night in a seething shore. I somehow pulled off a 1v3 against a shadow priest, enh sham, and arms warrior.

I killed the war first then had to bubble right after. While bubbled, the sham just spammed laughing emote at me 10-15 times. After bubble, I had a vision proc and just wrecked the priest in a mini wings.

Then it was a showdown versus the emote spamming enh sham. I clobbered and tbagged him instead of mining the node. It must have triggered him so he reincarn’d to start hitting me again. I spammed /soothe on him (You soothe <target> . There, there…things will be ok.) and killed him again followed with more tbagging that he didn’t release and watched as I repeatedly sat on his face.

I ran to the next node at tar pits and there he was. He targets me and immediately ghost wolf starts running away (east toward temple) dropping earthbind. I chase him for giggles. He keeps running all the way to the coast at the northeast corner of the map and finally decides to fight me. I clobber him again and tbag.

I then run back to the action and he rezzed and leaped to the teamfight I was at. I start hitting him again and he begins running but after being stunned he /rude 3-4 times at me and afk’d out of the bg.

TLDR: Don’t emote me because I will hunt you.

Had an interesting night as well, DH on horde added me when I was in mechagon so I could relay a message to dk he wants to smack talk. Needless to say 20 mins of me being the middle man for phone tag later they dueled, the DH found out the other guy was a good sport and when I was flying off they were still off in the mountains 1v1ing. Such a happy ending.

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Did you ever change the messages up to make it interesting?

Its ALWAYS /pity for me.

Its sympathetic, sarcastic, and insulting at the same time. Best emote ever added.

Some rogue a few weeks ago called me twink trash, so I let him attack me for a good minute or so with lots of /pat and /pity. Such delicious rage whispers after that BG.

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Nah didn’t need to, it was hilarious for a bit when the tensions were high.

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But if you do that I’ll have to come up with all new names to call you! I ain’t got time for that!

Where everybody at?

Get in here:

nah im not putting myself through the hell that was classic druid again.

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