BG forums lounge

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I’ve taken the later half of August off work for the past few years as vacation time.
It is coincidence that Classic launches during my vacation this year, but I will be neckbearding it until I go back to work on Sept 2nd or 3rd.
Stocking up on foods and not leaving my house for the first week of launch :bearded_person:

That’s awesome! Getting out of the starter areas to where the crowd will be dispersed will be huge. I have 3 friends that I’m going to dungeon level quite a bit with.

I picked Herod for Horde. Hoping that no streamers will make it a :poop: server

I don’t know if you’ve seen the blue post or not regarding Herod but I would check it out. 10,000+ login queue right now if nothing changes. It’s not like now where they just create more shards for people on the high pop realms like zuljin in retail. They aren’t going to increase the amount of players able to play on a realm.

I remember being on Hyjal back in vanilla and seeing 400+ login queue and it take around 45 minutes to an hour to get in. You will be waiting on people to log out of the game for longer than the 5 minute grace period so a 10,000+ login queue could possibly be many many hours of waiting.

And that’s the exact moment I log onto retail instead.

Yea same. I’m not sitting in queue longer than I actually get to play unless I have some house chores to knock out.

I am getting increasingly excited about it though. Excitement has almost turned into hype rn.

I saw and I’m curious how it will pan out. There was also talk of it being heavy to one faction, which makes world pvp “iffy”.

It’d be cool if they release faction balances. But then again that could be bad lol. Some not looking for a fair fight might pick an imbalanced server on purpose.

Oh, no doubt on that.

Was there any word on having a character in both factions on a PVP server? I know you couldn’t back then.

You can’t. I tried when reserving a name.

That’s probably for the best but it would have been fun to grief a few friends with a rogue.

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Ok. Thanks, I didn’t see anything but I kind of assumed.

I want to make a Undead Priest for Herod (or whatever). I also want a human Paladin.

I also need a Shaman so I can 1 shot Sock and make him go “wutdaf4x?!”

Please record so we can poke fun at him.

Implying I’d ever have any Alliance for you to smack. What a hilarious thought!

You’ll have to sneak up on me in the Gurubashi Arena :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m gonna be on Herod as well, unless I get cold feet and dip out to a lower pop server by the time its released. I’m not interested in 1hr+ queues.

That and I have “Sock” reserved on Stalagg, and the best I could get on Herod was “Socked”

But then your catchphrase could be “You just got socked!” when you kill people.

No Demonsocks on Herod?

He shoulda gone with Demonhosiery. Probably too late now cuz that’s a good name.


Demonsocks is weak, but I have too many warlocks so originality is starting to fail me.

Sockfullapoo is the dream, but Blizzard is too good for poop jokes.

Even though they have the emote.

Irony is a bi… sock

omg is that real or photoshop lol