BG forums lounge

When do bgs come out? i’m still tossing up between classes on classic lul lock or mage

Phase 3 is when bgs come out.

This is all speculation but my guess is 4-5 months. They mentioned major patch releases being a lot on their deployment team so they couldn’t do multiple major releases at the same time. I think this means they will stagger patches and ride the hype train. BFA season 3 is set to end December 31st according to their 25 week pvp gear schedule. That means 8.3 will launch around that time. Blizz will likely let the hype die down on 8.3 and then release phase 3 for classic. I’m guessing February 4th or 11th release on phase 3.

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Plenty of time then, thank you

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No problem. Feel free to join us on Grobbulus alliance side when you decide to play. We have about 30 or so in there all from these forums or knows someone from the forums.

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I do love my bgs, i was tossing up between undead or human/gnome but if i get to hang with the cool peeps alliance it is

Yay! We are always looking for more.

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Dont forget about me on Grobbulus! Im just in my retail guild’s guild.

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Pfff Alliance. Bunch of “/wave in an attempt to not get killed on a PVP server” kids.

Good choice if you like being the underdog though. I kinda wish I went ally this time around. I like to feel like the game is a survival game.

The leveling is slow. Especially when higher level jerkwads decide to camp quest areas and kill everyone on sight and I wasn’t around in those early years so it’s sort of new to me.

The difference for me right now is I want to log into classic and do things. Key word: want. I haven’t wanted to log into wow since probably mid legion. I only kept going cuz of all you guys I’ve ever run with. Taking a break for me would be quitting. I’d never be able to talk myself into coming back. It’s a lot easier for me to stick around now. At least with classic.

I have decided I will spend some time in retail again soon. I want the bee mount. The bee mount is the only mount I ever truly wanted. I got a lot more free time coming up. It will be MINE!

I definitely like being the underdog in certain situations, i feel like horde are better and would be much more exciting on allys end when bgs come out

What is their guild name? This server community is neat to watch develop. It feels good seeing the same names a lot each day on both factions without having cross realm stuff.

Really it’s kill them unless they are tauren. Tauren are the nice ones and usually don’t attack lol.

This times 10000. Preach it squeek.

And this is why im not going to bother. Im glad you guys are having fun but like I said ive been there, once the leveling is done the content is consumed ,which is mostly the leveling, the barebones of the game is just bland. Not putting myself through it again lol. I made myself keep playing back in the day because that is how my and my brother kept in touch. Otherwise i wouldnt have bothered.

to be honest, there just isn’t enough hours in the day for BOTH retail and Classic… unless you somehow have the free time to play 24/7 or something.

Especially being the altoholic that I am, keeping over 5 alts maintained and up-to-date PLUS doing Classic… yeah, that just ain’t happening :rofl:

I’ll probably play Classic very very infrequently, a “here and there” type of thing on the weekends or something.

I’ve seen that on both sides but maybe like once. I chose Alliance this time because it’s the only way to be a Paladin and I do not like Tauren Druid forms.

While this isn’t completely untrue, the community is a big thing. This extended into TBC but kinda died out in LK. It’s nice to join a group and know someone. It’s cool to need an enchantment and think “I know a guy who does this.” Once LK came out, you were just a face in the crowd.

Luckily there isn’t a right or wrong way to play classic. If you wait and it takes you months to hit 60, you’ll potentially end up with less competition in your guild for gear if your guild has already been raiding things.

You don’t like their perma smile in bear and cat form? Such happy creatures…

No. And that exact thing plus the horns just seem “off” to me. When I play a Night Elf, I want to gank myself (alas, I cannot…) but their shapeshift forms just look like a cat and a bear. Plain and simple.

EDIT: Still reading more comments and posts about that Enclave guild you mentioned. Cringeworthy is a huge understatement.

To be fair though, every in game experience I’ve had with them in groups or random quest areas has been a positive experience. I think they have about 5-6 knuckleheads that are making them all look bad. One of them gave me a green loot piece randomly. Another helped us kill a big elite in the searing gorge cave. The latest encounter was one farming felcloth in felwood and he needed the boss npc for a quest. He waited for us to tag it and helped kill it along with all the other mobs in the area. I was walking through IF and one of them opened trade and gave me 60 mage water.

I joined world chat right after to see if something has changed and the same handful of names are there saying nasty stuff that I wouldn’t repeat if you paid me. I could be completely wrong but I think they just have a few really bad duds.

Edit: another good read is this one lol…

I’ve not even seen them in game. I’m only going by the garbage I’m reading.

open-mouth stare

I don’t even have words

Yea until I encountered them in game, my view was really negative of them because all I’ve ever seen of them prior to in game encounters was the nasty world chat and the forums. A lot still remains to be seen from them though. They’ve supposedly been around since vanilla and have stayed together the whole time.

He’s obviously trolling and making a joke about that socialist convention lol.

What convention? Please don’t tell me it was on TV. I get asked once in a while at work “did you see that one commercial!?” and I’ve not watched TV in over 15 years.