BG forums lounge

Had an interesting night as well, DH on horde added me when I was in mechagon so I could relay a message to dk he wants to smack talk. Needless to say 20 mins of me being the middle man for phone tag later they dueled, the DH found out the other guy was a good sport and when I was flying off they were still off in the mountains 1v1ing. Such a happy ending.

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Did you ever change the messages up to make it interesting?

Its ALWAYS /pity for me.

Its sympathetic, sarcastic, and insulting at the same time. Best emote ever added.

Some rogue a few weeks ago called me twink trash, so I let him attack me for a good minute or so with lots of /pat and /pity. Such delicious rage whispers after that BG.

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Nah didn’t need to, it was hilarious for a bit when the tensions were high.

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But if you do that I’ll have to come up with all new names to call you! I ain’t got time for that!

Where everybody at?

Get in here:

nah im not putting myself through the hell that was classic druid again.

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We need a big bear fc named dare

You have one on retail :stuck_out_tongue: that and feral sucked in classic so id be outclassed quick.

There’s no pressure to tank. Just level casually and socialize.

This invitation is to anyone that posts here. Forum disagreements are irrelevant in game. We’re just looking to have fun.


I feel like everyone already knows this, but I just figured out that Classic is released on Monday. I kept thinking it was on Tuesday because every ad says the 27th but apparently that is for EU :flushed:

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Still undecided on Classic. I hate leveling even on retail

I abhor leveling on Retail. There’s nothing fun or engaging about it. Looking forward to the 120 boost in patch 8.2.5.
But Classic will be a different experience. Leveling actually is engaging and the game world is going to be loaded with people all around you. I think it’s gonna be fun for a while at least.


Eh I’m more of a solo person myself. Maybe 10 years ago I actually cared about the social aspect but I could take it or leave it now. Also, anyone who’s anyone knows which server I’m picking to be Alliance on :joy:

I’m the same way. Something I thought about not long ago was that I grew less “social” as the changes in the game made being social less of a necessity. If that hadn’t changed, I wondered if I would still be social. :thinking:

I’m by no means antisocial. When I log in for BGs or dungeons early on Saturdays or Sundays, I do say “good morning” and at the end, I always thank the group.

  1. What if the emote is /wink?

  2. What if they’re on your faction? :frowning:

I’ve always been a social person irl but was always a hermit in game. Over the years I’ve swapped to where people irl annoy me and I’m becoming a hermit but in game I look to socialize and even /s to random people.

Also… no means NO Grey. Now get whatever is in your eye out and walk away


lol you’re such a jerk.

It’s also funny you mentioned that about how you are “irl.” I read that, thought for a bit and I see the pattern. Maybe it will change again when you’re much older? Old people love to talk and tell stories.

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Hopefully not. I worked retail for 5 yrs during college and the old people telling me their life story when you have 15 people in line is a frustrating experience lol.

Oh definitely. When I was… 20ish, I had a second parttime job delivering appliances for a local business and it was mostly old people. For some reason, they loved showing people their stuff.

“Yeah, I just bought this new fishing boat…” :sleeping:

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Holy crap…

I said

Then I saw this just now

Please tell me that’s you.