BG forums lounge (Part 2)

There is differences between black flies deer flies and horse flies I know that much at least but it can be pretty confusing since they are all obnoxious as can be.

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Whats everyone playing for TWW? I havenā€™t been keeping up with anything :woman_shrugging:

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i remember when goofin had long hair

i miss that guyā€¦

Same, I am pretty sure he has a kid now and is living the dream which is awesome.

Mage priest or hunter. the hero talents look interesting so far at least.

Curious about this - has there been any in-game meet-up for forum members? It would be fun!

iā€™ve been pretty casual since coming back, lvlā€™d to 70 and been unwashing myself after not playing for years. TWW looks pretty good, iā€™ve only been back for a couple of months but i really like the systems there is atm. pvp was easy to gear, felt impactful being a fresh 70.

i think ill be playing monk/hunter. the class reworks look pretty neato.


Iā€™m a hardcore main-a-holic, so Iā€™ll be playing ret paladin as usual.

im still alive yo i just been super busy at work and playing overwatch n stuff ill be back for prepatch n shizz

all my toons tbh

I have the exact opposite problem. I enjoy leveling and playing a ton of different specs D:

I do always end up on Rogue/Druid/Paladin, which is what I played through vo-nilla.

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I dumped an absurd amount of play time in OW, but after this obnoxious battle pass system in OW2 I pretty much stopped playing. I probably have like 4-5hrs in OW2 and over 1000 in OW.



Maybe everything. Altaholic here. Guilty.

Yeah, I stopped playing when OW2 came out.

But, I see OW2 has stuff like this:

oh i still love it ive completed every seasons battlepass i think almost so far a lil sad they didnt make pharah starscream tho tbh i def bought rams skin tho heck yuh megatron

hell yeah thats awesome

We have a discord for all the cool BG kids?

E: Leveling my Evoker ( I donā€™t get how people play as a Dragon 90% of the game, they so oogly ), 69 with a bunch of timewalking gear from leveling today - hopped in a DWG, ran to market, popped Tip the Scales > Fire Breath > Dragonrage and did just shy of 2 million damage and wiped out 7 people in < 10 seconds. Silly damage is silly.

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Uh oh someone will make a post about you now. Nerf Twinks!

Itā€™s not even a twink though, levelā€™d from 61-69 yesterday and capping meh honor from 67-70. :frowning: I did end up bullying a Ret with similar gear to the point if we were in the same game heā€™d just leave lolol

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Oh boy today I turned 33 feels normal tbh.

True its not degenerate enough to get the secret broken gear. Doesnt matter though ppl will still complain.