BG forums lounge (Part 2)

thank youuuuu :smiley:

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4 they’res teh gravuty brall to


omg! so true.

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Grats on your lvl up m8.

I took work off this week to dodge the heat lol.

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Has anyone else seen this pug DH tank “Louie” solo-tanking Drek with all 4 towers up?

Seen him a few times over the past few days, pretty funny how just 1 well-geared “meta” tank can cheese an entire BG lol

as a side-note, Blizz’s balancing between the classes is such a joke… I’ve seen DKs, Warriors, Druids, etc attempt to tank 4-tower Drek… and they all go “squish”

But with the current balancing being what it is, apparently VDH is OP just enough that it’s able to pull off such stunts without a premade

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He’s pretty full of himself too. Once when I was playing on my ally toon I asked him if he solo q’ed or if he ran with friends/premade. He said I am the premade. Lol.

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Well to be fair, that’s kind of a legit brag :rofl:… in the context of pugs he really is a walking 1-man premade in AV specifically

When you’re geared/stacked enough to solotank a 4-tower boss with uncoordinated/pug healers, that’s some bragging rights - he can back up what he says

Eh, he over extends and dies like any other tank.


See I’ll do that then I think of the all exp I’m wasting on osrs. So I’ll inevitably log back on to that

Sheesh, we dead in here. Feels bad playing a Mage in to healer/WW/UH/BM in RSS :frowning:

wtb lobbies that are 50/50 caster/melee.

Havent been on osrs for a bit been bus with other games, I really should get back to my str pure though.

Summer time, lots of stuff to do outside so I can understand it.

Yar, daughter just graduated high school and I spent a few weekends making the back yard usable. Had a slab poured, built a gazebo and got some furniture, planters, etc. Relaxation time! Minus the car maintenance stuff :roll_eyes:

Need to fix my transmog, no idear why it be so oogly.


At least you got a house lol

I would love to have a proper driveway to work on my car without anyone bothering me

There’s limits to the stuff you can do in a public parking lot, I can sneak in easy stuff like an oil change without being noticed by apartment staff but anything that requires the vehicle off the ground or “major surgery” still ends up going to the $hop

It’s against the lease terms to work on cars in the parking lot, so usually what I do is just wait til the weekend when the office is closed and sneak in my DIY repairs then :eyes:

Yeah, I haven’t been in an apartment since like 2008. I can’t stand sharing walls with people, probably has to do with me hating people. My truck hasn’t moved from my driveway in like 2 years, been gone too much to mess with it, finally back home pretty much full time next week so we’ll start tackling that SOB soon!

Ah, so you bought “at the right place at the right time”… lucky man, must be nice :sweat_smile:

One of my cousins (early-30’s) “barely” bought his first house back in 2022 using one of those “adjustable” mortgages. He actually had to rent it out last year and move into his mother-in-law’s basement the cost of everything creeped up so fast/so suddenly and it overwhelmed his income. I think his mortgage payment went from like $2600/month to like $4400+/month due to rate-hikes

It’s absolutely brutal for the late-comers dealing with tablescraps, especially post-2020. Anyone who got into a house 2019 and before has it easy for sure

We had it built in 2017, refinanced when rates were low to save a little. 2nd house though and I’m a little older with two good incomes, so. I think ours is like $2200 for a 5bed/3.5ba/3k sq/ft house.

Got back from a camping trip yesterday, covered in bug bites. Deer flies, black flies and mosquitoes. lots of ppl giving me the look when I went to the grocery store since I was covered in swollen bug bites and random bruises from goofing around on some big rocks lol.

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I live like, 300’ from a swamp. I despise deer flies.

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Yes, My hair is grown out down to half my back atm and they kept getting tangled in my hair which was really obnoxious.

I lived on a lake for many years growing up and remember those things… deer flies, I can still feel the pain. Some people referred to them as moose flies, I think. Was never sure if they were all the same type of stinging fly.