BG forums lounge (Part 2)

I twinked at 69 for a long time on this toon and would just /shoo people that weren’t twinked. I enjoyed the mix/max aspect and toying around with 70s in duels and stuff. I stopped when queues stopped popping though =/

I was able to copy my hunter just now on Alleria!

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Right on, that’s where I am. Snowcrest is on Alleria. I also have a toon on These Go to Eleven, but nothing really pops pvp wise.

It sucks but that’s normal for test realms, lol.

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All the PVP is Duels and Skirmish for now, I was playing around with multiple classes but I’ll copy my alts now instead.

BG blitz q on the max realm seems to finally work as it has a avg q time hopefully we get more ppl to que for that also solo shuffle has been working tho id rather have bgs -.-

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I just realized we have 3 version of Eye of the storm. No wonder players are confused.



People seem confused by the regular one so it’s not surprising, everyone runs mid and ignores the bases.

When PvP design gets incredibly messy…

I think it would’ve been better to create 3 new BG’s with similar maps instead, so player can identify what version they’re playing.

I’d be happy with reskinned BG’s. They don’t need to always create new convoluted maps.

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Where I get confused is if I’m queuing both randoms and Blitz the same night, and forget which version I popped into since I play them differently.

I haven’t played retail in a while, what’s the blitz difference?

The rated map>>>than the unrated map. They should just make the change in unrated play

In Blitz, there are only 2 bases active (1 on each side) and they swap when the flag is capped.

Many are still struggling with this mechanic.

FR/DR or BET/MT, then cap will swap to the other and need to be recapped.

It is a great mechanic that can help flip games, by resetting towers. The issue, you’ll have players fighting at inactive bases the whole game.

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Do they use they use the rated tag instead of the proximity tag?

And blitz games are lower player count, right? That seems like a good solution to help games not be stagnant. It would require some good situational awareness

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Yea, it is rated style cap. A lot more situational awareness is required on this one it seems.

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Thanks Mohz you’re the best.

Besides me of course :grin:

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This, and people spending too much time in a mid fight instead of peeling off for those bases.

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I’m looking forward to the rated, I hope this is a problem that resolve itself as we power through the hell bracket, w/e that will be.

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Ah back to handsome cow man instead of a boring W in a circle

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barely a tribute

I need to lvl my priest but I am too lazy, just been playing random games on steam as well lol.