BG forums lounge (Part 1)

is it really a spoiler when you can read the book?

Which book covers what happened tonight? :thinking:

No spoilers from me, I promise.

Funny you mention ^ this :joy: , today is “catch up day” for my Alliance’s conquest points and in a few losses this is the EXACT SAME thing Alliance were blaming for losing :rofl:

This is what I saw in Alliance chat earlier (once it became apparent we were losing)…

“…all the weekend casuals are on, gg”
“…you weekend scrubs need to uninstall”
“…alliance really is terrible on weekends, i haven’t won a single bg today”
“…its the weekend, all the kids are on”
“…you noobs suck, ally pathetic today”

But if you “only” played Horde or Alliance, you might think “the grass is greener on the other side”, but apparently not :thinking: … both sides seem to take out their anger/frustration on “weekend casuals” :joy:

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Well, just another cool thing about you, hah! Anyway, I hope the last season of GoT is good to you’all! I really did like dragon-girl though I have no idea if she’s even still alive now. (Don’t tell me, please.) :grin:

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Noooo! BTW I like your guild name, lol.

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Ahh ha! Yeah, on the flip side I’ve noticed alliance seem to be “better” on weekends, though maybe it’s just that the horde are “not as good,” lol. I tried a few smaller BGs and was startled how many great alliance were playing. But maybe some of them were mercs. It would be nice at the end of a game to see the number of mercs on the team, but I suppose that could be fodder for more division… “We lost because we had mercs!” OR “We won because mercs carried!”

Tea snobbery is lame. Tea is tea and all tea can be good! Besides I have loose leaf but it’s a hassle with all the strainers and cleaning so it tends to sit.

My Fav black right now is from Bigelow called Constant Comment. It’s normal black with some nice spices. Without spice Lipton is just as good as the loose stuff I’ve had so far.
Yamamotoyama is great green tea. I flavor mine with honey but they are good on their own. :smiley:

Could be a coffee person but tend to like my creamer more than coffee so I have to cut back from it. Too many sugar bombs lol.

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Winter is…


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i don’t blame them, the regulars are aware of how it works. WG in particular has no room for afkers or solo bg hero-wannabes. the problem is the fact the weekenders don’t follow team leaders or team instructions. if you are doing hangar+d in IoC, you can scream don’t run bombs until you are blue in the face, half your team will still jump off the airship. that direct disobedience to the team will and flat out ignoring the strat is what upsets the regulars.

i’m aware the grass isn’t greener either, typically you don’t have to worry about road fighting, most of the experienced players will pass each other on roads on the way to their objective, weekends are when you have to worry about some derp stopping you to take a stand on this spot in the middle of nowhere important.

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That happens all week as well. Warrior charging me in the middle of nowhere while I’m on my way to help a node under assault. /shoo

It’s also not uncommon for 3+ players to chase you half way across the map even if it’s the opposite direction of the flag or cart or orb carrier. (or is that an spriest thing? :thinking:)


maybe they think you are a healer? :woman_shrugging:


Or a free kill? Or a nuisance? Or just super hot? :wink:

Whatever it is, sometimes it opens up nodes for my group. A rogue stole mid while they chased me back to our base in DWG last night.

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So, I’m about to meet the county health inspector and a contractor about replacing my septic field.

So any prayers/positive thoughts etc would be greatly appreciated


A person down the road from here just moved his outhouse to a new location. I’m guessing his previous spot filled up.

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What kind of backwoods place still has outhouses? :flushed:

There’s just a few left lol.

Very quiet area in TN. We just got our second red light in the county about 3 years ago.

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Ah a fellow redneck (or are we hillbillies?). I’m your MO neighbor but we’re much more civilized. We have 3 stoplights in our county.


OH YEA?!?! Well we have a Dairy Queen now!

That is seriously all we have as far as franchises go. Oh and a save a lot for groceries(which is crap). There is literally nothing else. I think our county population is around 11k. You have to drive to the next county if you need anything. It also adds an extra layer of grocery planning.

Small town usa is fun though.

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It’s true. Born and raised a city girl, so moving to the country took some getting used to. I love it now. I’d never go back.

We still only have one stoplight though. It’s funny giving directions… “Go to the stoplight and turn left,” (by the way the stoplight isn’t for like ten miles) lol.

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