BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I guess focused whining is better than mass whining, lol.

@Violettina, too true. hahaha

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I cannot kill a Demon Hunter to save my life they always seem to go for mages too.

Mages cause a lot of trouble, they must be dealt with.

I resemble that remark. Throw away mages, ftw.

I don’t do well at these things. I’m the person that is screaming for everyone to shut up after the commercial break ends.

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LOL! My jaw dropped when I checked the weather today. SNOW?! what happened to our mid-60s and up temperatures?!

Looking forward to the final season. Hopefully it inspires GRRM to finish the series.

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Why are you so mean :slightly_smiling_face:

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Warriors have trouble managing their rage. They have to lash out sometimes.


Just be glad you’re on Alliance. I go after mages on my hunter. Especially those undead ones.

LMAO, every time horde caps the flag first in TP or WSG, I immediately check the score board and see at least 2 alliance have rage quit.


I’ll match your TP and WSG quitters and raise with the armchair generals that call an AB game when both sides are 200 points.


With your comments about my rage issues!


Just be glad you’re on Alliance. I would polymorph you and :rofl:

I love tea. But for now I am not so into it that I’m a tea snob, for lack of a better term - you know the kinds of folks who only buy loose leaf and/or have tea draining trays, etc. Nothing against that at all - am just not at that point yet, lol.

For now my favorite teas are the “English store brand” PG Tips (black, with sugar and milk) and the very affordable but delicious Yamamotoyama (green, nothing added).

Am a coffee lover too but I get lazy brewing it. :yum:

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D’oh! :woman_facepalming:

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This is way late, but I AFK’d out of a WG last night because horde were soooo bad and weren’t even trying. Chat was filled with stupid attempts at jokes about private body parts. I logged and watched a movie instead since there was an Xfinity watch-athon weekend. I rather liked Blade Runner 2049 including the soundtrack. It was a solid 9/10! :cowboy_hat_face:

Hubby and I are way behind on GoT. Only watched through season 4, I think. TBH I’m not sure I’m a huge fan of the series. It’s fascinating, ensnaring, and extremely well done, but I prefer something closer to Tolkien’s worldview… One of my really good friends amazed me in terms of how much she likes GoT because she’s a super sweet, super devout Catholic. :upside_down_face:

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Not sure about the first part, but part 2 is all me.


is the lounge thread also the spoiler thread???

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i’ve noticed this seems to be more of a weekend thing, typically m-f horde has all teh regulars in ebgs, people know what to do and stick with the plan. then the weekends hit, maybe half the team just goes off and does whatever they want. and they get mad when you call them out for it :roll_eyes:

the fact that we still win most of these is stunning.