BG forums lounge (Part 1)

This isn’t even PvP content though.

It’s them jumping in the Fortnite train like trying to be a grunge band in 2006 - a decade too late.


I’m glad people like it, but I get the complaints from both sides.

As someone who primarily PvPs 95% of the time, the frustration is that PvP doesn’t really need much love.

We don’t need new game modes or maps (they’re nice, but unnecessary). All we need is a little consistent tlc in regards to balance tuning. The game modes run themselves.

AB and WSG and AV are still huge favorites in this game.

My frustration is that. Like one person could see outliers and tune things. Instead we get DH and Destro and unkillable pirates (outlaw) that just rein in arena for far too long. Then in bgs sniper shot is hysterically propping up a generally poorly designed spec to the point that it’s the only fun place to even play marksman.

Meh. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Been back 3 weeks and already cancelled sub again. Got 2 elite sets (hunter, pal) that I don’t really even like. Yay? Enchant is hideous so no reason to even try for 2.1.

Maybe be back in s4 to gear up to be a level 70 twink with no expansion again.

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I think what’s tough is I get drawn back to wow bc of my long history and stuff (mogs, mounts, titles).

But soon after I feel like I’m just nostalgicly chasing an old flame, who after a few dates/evenings I realize why I left in the first place.

To quote the late great BB King, “the thrill is gone”


The content we’re playing now was designed some time ago, it’s still made by the old Blizzard. I was talking to someone earlier and they brought up the idea that Blizzard would have access to resources from other Microsoft studios. We talked a bit about how having art resources and models from Sea of Thieves could be used so they can devote more resources to the base game. I don’t think this is the final form of the game, not that it will be good or even better just different.

I don’t like the Plunderstorm thing, but I am glad they’re trying something new. We’ve never had this “queue right from the menu” type of content with its own completely different rules set. It might be a proof of concept for something more substantial.

Anyone else not care about the Plunderstorm thing, like - at all?

When I check the reddit WoW page and see a bunch of repetitive “Plunderstorm” posts, then hop over here and also see a bunch of repetitive posts on the same thing, I can’t help but giggle a little thinking about how people are getting so worked up over 100% optional content :face_with_hand_over_mouth::popcorn:

Meanwhile I’m over here and haven’t even tried it, the rewards look meh so I just didn’t bother with it/don’t care

Still amusing seeing the nerd-rage that has “erupted” over something that’s optional

Sorta reminds me of Mage Tower complain posts, but yet I don’t recall very many PvP’ers crying about that one - it’s almost like optional content is no big deal :thinking: Meanwhile, PvE’ers are apparently losing their :poop:

These PvE’ers over in the other board though, good grief… if they don’t get handed everything “for free” it seems they lose their minds/nerd-rage out. Idk

Give it a try, It’s a good change of pace. I’ve been playing that exclusively and I don’t care about the rewards.

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i want the tmogs but i am currently busy with trial of style rn

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So am I, it just kind of looks like mid life crisis dad buying a new dodge challenger to me.

Little behind the times.

It’s also puzzling to me who this is supposed to be appealing to, in the sense of “new customers”.

Nobody is going to pay $15 for one month of access to wish dot com Fortnite.

But yea, I’m all for new things. Overall I think DF has been a great xpac due to them trying new things like dragon riding, shuffle (though at times I hate it), and now blitz.

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I dont care for battle royals but the posts on gd forums about it are really funny to read.

Tbf transmog is the true end game of wow so I cant blame you.



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This will be fun to watch, I heard some ppl say it wont be fair with multi rank 1s playing but i am not so sure it will be that one sided.

I might be wrong, but from what I saw, it looked like Blizzard invited 30 streamers and allowed them to bring a +1.

A few of the people decided to bring a multi-r1 player as their partner.

I don’t know if this is like bringing Lebron James as your partner to a basketball-related contest.

i mean its “creator” are you ppl really surprised that a ttv player is going to bring a top pvper ttv as their partner also ?

There’s RNG involved too so we’ll see how it goes, I’ll definitely watch it!

I hope everyone has fun. I don’t want it to turn into a scenario where all the AWC/r1 PvPers completely dominate and they’re just farming all the non-WoW content creators.

We’re trying to get new people to join the game. Not scare them all off.

It’s an incredibly lopsided match. If you manage to level up, you just eat up every low level in the game.

i stopped playing it , im going to wait for a purple recolor of the tmog set to hit the shop or trading post and then ill just buy it.

tbh it wouldnt be so bad if we had a vendor and could just buy the tmog with the plunder we earn instead of useless crests .

the renown grind is a boring chore at this point and it isnt fun . Im sticking to trial of style .

I present to you the my first album . It took me awhile but i finally put them all in one video .


There are some neat recolors on wowhead. Imo better than thr plunder one.

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