BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Duly noted!

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DUDEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just buy a 60 boost n then wait for timewalking week and spam timewalking within 2-4 hrs tops u can hit 70 ez if u really want to b 70 that bad . i never trust those level boosters .

An official boost is like 60 bucks, and only gets you to 60 ( and i hate leveling through dragonflight) boosting with gold is less than 1 wow token and skips the worst content. I just have to be less of a moron when i do it

yeah but timewalking is easier n quick anddddddd you wont get scammed :stuck_out_tongue: tbh tho i think they lowered the level now if i remember correctly i think its lvl 30+ now so u can just spam timewalking til 70

Which TW is it rn?

aaaaaaaah im not sure im playing overwatch atm

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No timewalking (Cataclysm) until Tuesday. It only lasts for a week.

Thats okay, ill just find a safer boost after work today lol


How can you tell if it’s a safer boost?


I had a few telling signs this one was a scam. Theyre on a level 1 character and not the boosting character. They invite you to a party that is just you and them, usually boosters are at least 1 other person besides the seller. They charge way less than the going rate for a boost and try to make it as if its bc they like you or some silly stuff(going rate for a boost 10 to 70 is 220k or more, the guy that scammed me asked for 170k).
Lastly the only time ive paid before i got summoned to the boosting area it was a scam.

Mistakes ill not repeat.


I see what happened.



No you dont!

I did not get sweet talked out of my gold!


Im so over this day week month year.

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welp one of my post got flagged T_T idk which one but i might be taking another forum vaycay, cause this week needed to be worse

I’ve been on my best behavior too :C

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I’ll never find out if you like Yamada-kun.


Im watching it right now when im supposed to be working, im on episode 3. I love it so far


Yamada reminds me of L


Guess who got suspended again.

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How much is a 10-70 boost nowadays? I used to get one for 120k (60-70).

I tried leveling a new warrior and I really don’t have the patience for questing anymore lol.

I can quest on 1 character to do the main campaign (I haven’t finished DF yet…) . But for leveling It’s tedious I rather be afk and reach 70 asap.

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