BG forums lounge (Part 1)

GUESS WHO JUST QUIT HER OLD JOB WOOT WOOT IT FELT SO GOOD TO DO THAT ive waited along time to quit that terrible job oml party timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dancer: :dancer: :mirror_ball: :mirror_ball: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :tropical_drink: :cocktail: :cocktail: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

side note ive been so addicted to coffee latley lel

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I just got scammed outta 170k T_T

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‘Wherever were yer brains, Lady-O? Y’ never want t’ do that. Th’ pay comes after th’ work’s done, not before.’

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Been fine 90% of the time. Got hit one time, and i knew better it felt off but i didnt trust my gut.

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Gold or USD?!


Gold!! If it was USD I wouldn’t be talkin to anyone lmao


Did they offer to sell you a list of secret information?

I told you not to trust them!


Oh no, the list sale went flawlessly. Got got by fake level boosters lol


That’s unfortunate. Hope you get your gold back!


Nah blizz openly says they dont do that. Best i could hope is to get the scammers banned, and theyll just make a new account.

Ill just cry about it and move on.

Since when?

I thought Blizzard would try to help you if everything was agreed upon over in-game chat.

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I am not sure, but it explicitly states that when going through their customer support ticket thing. It says it multiple times

That’s a bummer.

What’s the point of saying gold carries are legitimate, but then also saying if you get scammed, too bad.


Boosting services are not supported by Blizzard but if you are the victim of a scam, contact us.

Game Masters cannot restore any of your losses, but will take action against confirmed scammers whenever possible so they won’t scam other players.

Its okay. I bought a wow token again, ill just consider this a lesson learned.

Im prolly goin to bed.




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Yep :slight_smile:

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It’s ok if you don’t like it!


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Surely you know me well enough by know to know i say what im thinking :), if i didnt like it, or didnt want to watch it, id just say that

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In that case, there’s stuff after the ending credits in each episode.

Sometimes, important stuff.

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