BG forums lounge (Part 1)

party time
:clinking_glasses: :wine_glass: :cocktail: :tropical_drink: :popcorn: :bacon: :hamburger: :fries: :pizza: :green_apple: :apple: :pear: :cherries: :strawberry: :blueberries: :kiwi_fruit: :grapes: :watermelon: :banana: :baguette_bread: :croissant: :burrito: :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco: :sandwich: :hotdog: :pizza: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cake: :cake: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice: :shaved_ice: :ramen: :ramen: :ramen: :ramen: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea:

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Ohhhhhh I just found a Timmyโ€™s lil pea shooter the other night. If it hasnโ€™t sold thatโ€˜s a solid start to a hunter 19. Itโ€™s even Ally side so I canโ€™t give it tk my smelly horde hunter.

Iโ€™ll have to check. The HC toons been keeping my attention all weekend.

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i really donโ€™t want to go to work tonight

bg forums
should i call out
respond for a no
like for a yes



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I called in today lol it was 100% the right call. Follow my example and always call in.

Yeah I want to get into it since they added tokens to classic and I can just buy my way to bis. But I am also lazy about lvling/ too busy doing pve twinking stuff on retail.

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did the same

Nice, Work is fine and all but sitting at home running the same 4 dungeons on my lvl 9 twink is better.

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Itโ€™s been a nice break from the max level grind. An old friend from back in the original Wrath is back so heโ€™s kept me more involved. Still trying to get the Squeekster back, but she is a stubborn one!

You guys inspired me. I called in today.


I should have :expressionless:

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To even try to recruit after what youโ€™ve done is laughable . You disbanded a community of 800 + over night and expect everyone to just forget what you did ? You think you can just come back from being suddenly MIA ?

30% off game services


Heyas, Jadei! Hope all is well, say hi to the Squeeks for me!


Based. Tbf I called in on monday for an actual reason this time lol.

That use to be the same for retail but it feels like every patch somethings breaks and I have to refarm all of my gear. I have done more gear grinding as a lvl 20 vet/f2p the the majority of max lvl players on retail have the past 2 xpacs combined.

Wotlk it looking REALLY tempting now because the burn out is real lol.

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looking forward tho those pally weapons

Hey Mist! Iโ€™ll tell Squeek the only cool gnome I know said hi.

Tsataga at it again? Canโ€™t leave that tauren alone for a minute.

Do it! I think most brackets are pretty active.

no i was referring to ahrily trying to recruit on a alt , she disband GG which is now RR over idk what over night a community of 800+ ppl then she went MIA for a few months to come back like nothing happened. I was just letting everyone know not to join her "new community "

For the low, low price of $25, you can get this pink xmog plus 500 tendies!

Youโ€™ll look quite brilliant!

I wonder if Blizzard is gonna tell their art department to start saving their super cool xmogs for the bnet store.

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By pure coincidence, I was organizing my Classic toonโ€™s bags/bank last night (hadnโ€™t dusted it off since November 2022) and saw a rare pet in there among the clutter and greys/vendortrash

Checked the AH and saw that it sells for around ~7k in the market :flushed: Tossed mine up there for around 5k

This morning checking my mailbox found out it sold (to my surprise)! Checked the WoW token price and saw itโ€™s like ~4800 gold. Bought one to add to my game-time balance

I guess the moral of the story is always take a few minutes here and there to check your bags/bank for possible high-price items - you never know if you might be sitting on free gold

Honestly might invest more time into playing my Classic toons considering the WoW token price is so cheap compared to the hyperinflated retail WoW token

4800 vs 300,000+ is day and night :flushed: