BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I am too poor to drop 90-100 dollars for d4 atm lol :frowning:

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Not really related to BGs, but I did watch the AWC tourney yesterday and I must say, the finals match was a real ā€œintenseā€ nail-biter :flushed:

At one point Golden Guardians got a kill, causing a temporary 3v2, but then Liquid got a cross-kill, turning it into a 2v2 (Shaman/Rogue vs Shaman/Warlock). Keep in mind at this point dampening was already like 50%+ so healing was almost useless

Despite this, both healers (ā€¦by the way, both completely OOM/out of gas) somehow miraculously kept their guy up for the longest time and it turned into this crazy ā€œback and forthā€ epic duel for a few minutes

Eventually the Warlock ran out of buttons to push/ran out of gas and flopped over, it was like 75% dampening though. Both of the teams played absolutely out of their minds

Idk, from the viewer perspective it was very enjoyableā€¦ it was ā€œBlizzcon-qualityā€ competition :ok_hand::popcorn:

If you missed it I suggest you watch the replay on Youtube, itā€™s good stuff


Do we get the mount if we have an active 6month sub still going ?

ā€œIf youā€™re currently on a 6-month or 12-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date, youā€™ll receive the mount and the pet as a gift in your desktop app at no additional charge no later than July 24, 2023 (must be redeemed by January 31, 2024).ā€

Oooh ok cool

tmogs ive been working on

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Any of you guys hit up the old scholo/naxx instances yet?

do i have to b lvl 70 for those or

ou need to be lvl 35 to do the heroic version of scholomance for the toy from the rare mob that is required to unlock the quest line to open up old scholomance. So being in the 40s would probably be best so you can just one shot everything.

oh ok i still got leveling to go maybe ill just do it on my mains later .

right now i wanan level my lock cuz GUYS LOOK


no way :open_mouth:
I want it I want it I want it

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Thereā€™s also these

Yeah I have to lvl my mage to 70 but I already have amax lvl nelf so i am looking forward to the armour sets.

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im going to have to do some horde leveling eventually

The Real Cheeseburger

I saw that earlier :x:

Anyone experiencing WoW issues?


Nope no issues on my side

I gotta say, do you guys know how hard it is not to leap of faith ppl off ledges?
too many ledges everywhere, too many lulz to be had.
The temptation is so strong lol

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This looks nasty

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