BG forums lounge (Part 1)

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TBH, Iā€™m kinda not interested in classic Naxx, Iā€™ve never did it in classic, but it comes back in WotLK as a major tier (which Iā€™ve never done either, as I quit raiding seriously after TBC). Also heard itā€™s a lot more demanding consumable wise (and I hate having to farm so much). Only thing Iā€™d want is the Corrupted Ashbringer on my warrior, thatā€™s all.

Been hearing rumors about TBC being a thing, Iā€™ve raided classic on my warrior since March and heā€™s AQ40 geared now, but TBC being a thing would be a huge deal for me. For one, I can main Zy again in PvE (and as Elemental). Secondly, thereā€™s a lot more ways to gear a character which beats everything about 40mans as far as character progression goes.

this was really good.

one more week until Blizzards biggest expansion release in a decade. Iā€™m scared for the servers.

I admit, Iā€™m pretty excited. I pve and pvp though so Iā€™m probably excited about things others here care less about. If the A team and B team thing is real then shadowlands was done by the A team.

This is why I never take time off for a release. Those first few days after release have been a disaster since 2004.


Yeah, you lot have gotten me excited to PvE.

And I hate you for it.

I might be kidding about the hate. Probably.

Stop making me feel old and get 2 inches from my monitor!

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I earned my bifocals a few years back and I am going to enjoy the perks they bring.

I will be the blind guy because I refuse to wear glasses or contacts lol.

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I NEVER understand why people take PTO on launch week. How many times do we have to go through an expansion launch before people learn?

Now donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m totally on board with taking PTO to do nothing but play WOW. In fact I plan to do just that in December, because I am old enough to remember the launch of every expansion of World of Warcraft. Now turn down that loud music and get off my lawn!

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Yea honestly it seems like the 2nd and 3rd week of an expansion is where the best two weeks would be. That 3rd week is when the season begins and you can get ahead.

I guess if someone played the economy and could suffer through the server issues to grind professions then the first week would be worth it.

Why are people acting like the past couple launches have been disasters after the first day?
BfA launch had servers down for the first day. Then it was fine.
Legion had queues and some servers down for the first day. Then it was fine.
Canā€™t remember WoD.

Zoom zoom zoomā€¦ 300%.

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Itā€™ll be interesting this release, what with the Launching on Monday.

The first day of WoD, 50+ players appeared in my garrison. Everyone was jumping around and dancing.

Then, they suddenly vanishedā€¦ foreverā€¦


Wow, that was a dark twist I wasnā€™t expecting

I still check my garrison every day to see if theyā€™ve come back.


My server (zuljin) was one of the lucky few to go down. One of the cons of playing on a mega server I guess. Stormreaver had issues for the first several days of legion. I donā€™t remember wod. Iā€™ve slept since then.

I tend to get a bit hyperbolic in my old age. Launch day has typically been a poop show but as you pointed out it usually smooths out. Phasing has made things a lot better too.

Look at all my garrison friends on WoDā€™s first day!

I miss them so much.