BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Azerite traits and corruption will be gone so the insane stupid damage should also drop drastically. Although there is something called anima in SL

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As I always say,

“Around every silver lining there’s a big black cloud”.

At least it doesn’t accumulate like it does in the winter, don’t have to shovel it and when staying home don’t even have to scrape it off the car.

But a little warmth would be appreciated.

Can you see me eyerolling from over there? :laughing: Gawd help us if it’s more proc garbage.

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In before the icy-veins tells you which covenant you gotta pick, because it simulators the best!


More likely it’s going to be something like Azerite power.
Collect anima by engaging in taboo tentacle activities and help close the broken barrier between worlds!!

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HI JADEI! :slight_smile: I see you’re playing Classic as well!

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Sounds like the plot of a very bad anime type with a forbidden forum word. Seriously, the anime H-word is verboten? :grimacing:

Hunter x Hunter

No, Length x Width x Hen- Height.

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I am and still enjoying it. For someone who avoided PvE in retail, I’ve enjoyed it on classic. I like PvP too, especially wPvP.

What realm are you on?

Mankirk! (do you know who this is?) :open_mouth:

Im pretty sure that’s just the currency for tourghast or whatever.

I think they’re trying to balance covenant abilities like they did essences in BfA. Some will be better for certain encounters but worse for other encounters. If they don’t have one covenant that’s objectively better than another everywhere then they will have succeeded imo

Mankirk? Isn’t that where Hydra went? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

First orc warrior that comes to mind is 0izer.

Uhhhh I have no idea? lol

And yup! I’m playing a warlock. Undead!

At least you’re not a mage or a warrior but ewww undead. Wrong faction!

I’d tell you to come to Grobb, but they closed our gates. wPvP on this realm is pretty awesome.

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yeah it’s a currency for the torgast tower where you spend it to upgrade abils or buy items to assist your run.

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I was GOING to be an orc warrior again but I figure there’s a ton. Leveling up, I realize I should have been a warrior lol. So much easier to find groups as a tank.

I’m actually playing with a few vanilla wow buddies but I got a late start so they’re already raiding n such…I’m barely going to hit 50 today lol

So glad you didn’t roll an orc warrior. Way too many of them already! :nauseated_face:

Try finding a group as a spriest. I’ve healed in 5 mans more than I’ve dps’d even spec’d as shadow. Squeek won’t admit it, but I think she volunteers me to heal so she can get groups.

Get to 60 and maybe I’ll see you in WSG or AB.

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Just wait til you enter a raid as a warlock.

The gear just floods to you.

Same as warlock, just wait until you start raiding.

Everyone wants Warlocks and Spriests!

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I’ve been raiding and other than a couple of times, I’ve been the only spriest. They want my dispels more than my dps. I should have made a dwarf so they’d want me for fear ward too. But warlocks seem to be almost mandatory. Warlock gear does seem to drop like crazy.