BG forums lounge (Part 1)

everyone is on gorb, CBH, SPM, and the forum trolls.

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Oh damn, really? I saw the Enclave was on there too.

Also, this would have been a bomb guild name :rofl:

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Why does your avatar look so blurry? Is it just me?

Maybe I’m just so breathtaking? Or, so hideous I’m starting to blind you.



It must just be me staring at this screen all day. I saw Jd’s and Squeak’s then yours, I squinted to see the face.

I hate getting old.

would be a fun guild I imagine.

Excuse me I went to Faerlina

I am sorry for your loss

Reported for harassing my feelings.

pls no I already had an extended vacation for making fun of a hydra member. Don’t need another one for joking at a nudist orc.

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Speaking of, was gonna follow them but they chose a pve server :face_vomiting:

gonna gang up and make the lives of npcs miserable

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Anyone else end up on Deviate Delight?

You didn’t want to be on Grob?

I did, I sat in queue for many moons and gave up.

Maybe when deployment comes to an end I’ll roll an alt over there, I’m 16 levels deep - too committed now!

I thought I got the same kind of queue times on both. I get much better latency on Deviate because I’m Eastern.

You’re managing to find ways to play while deployed?

I haven’t had a queue time on Deviate yet so I dunno. And no, I leave in just over a week so I’m really not trying to reroll already :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought you were deployed already.

I’m still taking it easy on my 2 toons. I get home daily around 3:30 PM and have been able to get on once after an hour queue :frowning:

My hour in the morning is what I get. But I’m taking a vacation day tomorrow and I’ll log in early when there are no queues so I can try to catch Jd. At the rate hes going, he’ll have his epic mount next week.


I’m just goofin’ along. Decided to pick up herbalism @ 15 so I’ve been back tracking to level it. Haven’t done a quest in hours :frowning: