BG forums lounge (Part 1)

100%. Don’t worry about a thing on vacation. Once you’ve paid ahead, its less like a vacation and more like a dream.

Alcohol drink passes are the best thing in the world.

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What the… where in the Caribbean did you get t-bones? It wasn’t Montego Bay…

Yes, it was amazing. The only thing we paid for were items in the gift shops and optional tips.

Late at night, if we wanted a snack, grabbed the hotel tablet, picked whatever you wanted (pizza, steak, salad (lol), jerk chicken), hit submit and in a half hour was delivered to your room for free.

Walk along the beach and the seaside grill and bars. Want a Mai Tai? Free. Want a vodka with red bull (wife’s drink) Free. Want a burger or fried meat patty? Free

Breakfast buffet… every possible thing you could think of that people eat for breakfast was there. Omelettes were made in front of you specific to order.

A guy with a push cart walking along the beach giving out free smoked jerk chicken. Another cart with coconuts harvested from the trees there, whacked with a machete to reveal a small hole at the top then a straw inserted. Once the coconut was empty, the bartender was more than willing to fill it with pineapple juice and coconut rum. Drinking that while sitting on the beach under a palm tree was heaven.

I wanna go back :frowning:

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

All the wild stuff that was hitting news headlines a few weeks ago from there was in the resort like right beside the one we stayed at lol. But we were there 6ish years ago and they “upgraded” us when checking in after they found out it was our honeymoon. It was a bit nicer room that had showered rose petals on the hot tub every time they cleaned along with access to the vip areas.

10/10 trip. Swam with sharks and string rays. Watched some idiot poke a jellyfish and get stung. Ate my body weight in lobster and steak every night.

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insert vulgar language here

After we returned from Montego Bay, my wife actually said that Punta Cana was her dream spot in the Caribbean. I wish I had known that.

EDIT: The only thing in the water we had to deal with were jellyfish.

Did you actually swim in the Caribbean sea? I did and as soon as the water hit my face… spit. Salty :frowning:

Being a TN hillbilly, trips to the ocean were very few and far between growing up. I think I’ve touched ocean water only 4 or 5 times now in my life lol. I thought all ocean water was salty and didn’t know there was a difference in saltiness. ha

and yes I swam in the water. We went out to a reef with caged sharks and sting rays. It was about 14 ft deep and crystal clear.

Yea I heard the water in Bermuda was super salty. I actually didn’t go in, just stayed on the boat.

I’ve swam in plenty of lakes, etc. They were no more salty than the water you drink, just not as “clean.” But the Caribbean sea was SALTY. But yes, the water was crystal clear with that blue glow.

A boat… Bermuda…


No… thank you

:rofl: funny you say that. We were actually supposed to go on this sunset boatride to the Bermuda triangle, but it was cancelled last minute (like 2 hours before technically)

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Would you really have gone if it hadn’t been? Honestly?

Me? No way…

Hell yea! That was originally going to be his proposal spot I found out

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Proposal spot… Ok, I will admit, that’s pretty cool.

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I can’t even look at you people right now


well yeah, you can only see our knees.


Oh, wow!

Why was the trip cancelled? Hurricane?

Semi back, getting ready for classic ( had to make sure my recently fixed potato computer would run wow).

Anyway switched to horde to try cow pally, thanks pipi for the idea :).

Anyway keen to chill in bgs like a casual until classic is up and running.

Speaking of computers, I built myself a new PC last week.
First time I’ve had a desktop PC in 9 or so years, I’ve been using laptops.
Got a Ryzen 5 2600 and a GTX 1660. I am pleasantly surprised at how much more appealing and immersive games look now with a good set-up. My current laptop was custom built and was good when I bought it 6 years ago, but I hadn’t realized how much it was falling behind until I played on this new desktop.
Turning on Ultra settings on all games now is quite nice.

I borrowed my brothers spare computer and used parts to replace things that were playing up.
I just figure no point in spending money on a comp if I plan to play classic.

I saw the minimum requirements on classic and it made me smile. Brought back memories of having a pc below their minimum requirements and buying a gpu that wouldn’t fit in the case so my dad took out a saw and cut a hole in the case for the gpu to stick through.

My computer use to overheat, I just took the sides off.

4 years later I could take the dust off with a spoon.

I swear my phone could run it :joy:


Don’t make her get the step stool!