BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Both I guess? been smoking 20 years now. Tried e-ciggs too after trying to quit.

Didnā€™t take me and my buddy long at all. In fact I got it on the 2nd and my friend who I was doing the zone with the day after. It was a big snooze and was honestly the least grindy rep I have ever done in this game. Such a casual rep.

the bark? lmao

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Thereā€™s different kinds with different experiences. And I donā€™t just mean flavors, I mean some have more vapor, more kick, etc.

Like thereā€™s a big difference between a Juul, and another small ā€œstoreā€ vape, and a box mod.

Typically the ones that ā€œlookā€ more like cigarettes feel less like them, if you know what I mean.

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Only difference we had was our Rustbolt rep cause I didnā€™t do the chromie stuff. Ez rep, easily done with little time invested.

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lol that mechagon rng

From what Iā€™ve learned I donā€™t think the Juuls are the way to go (for tobacco at least.) You can get a whole bottle of pure nicotine and mix it with flavor for the vape mod things, fairly cheap too. I canā€™t imagine anything more potent to inhale if it was a strength issue.

Canā€™t beat Juuls for convenience. I have a box mod style vape, but I have a Juul as ā€œbackupā€. I end up just using the Juul most of the time because the box mod one is a pain in the butt having to take it apart to change the coils and such all the time. Oh, and it currently leaks, which I need to figure out where and why it is doing that.

If youā€™re gonna smoke, do it right. Smoke Marlboro Reds and die.

Comparing vapes to cigs is like comparing fire magic to fel. Its similar, but far different.

True. One is purity, the other is corruption.

One is power. One is a cheap imitation.

For some people thatā€™s fun to do. Like maintenance on a car. The only thing Iā€™ve used is a Pax which I think is the same thing or nearly the same as Juul, for a differentā€¦product. :^)

Gonna lean with Sock, Fel is bae.

But so is Nature.


Thats the devils lettuce, which I 100% support. As long as you dont vape itā€¦

Iā€™ve often compared it to a Hobby Store RC car kit vs a $50 Walmart boxed one.

One you can (and need to) repair, tune,and fiddle with, the other you canā€™t at all.

No it isnā€™t. Itā€™s not even a grind.
Once you figure out a pattern then you can keep it around or under an hour. I started patch 8.2 three days after release and still unlocked Pathfinder sooner than most people.

Rares are a one-off rep bonus. After the first kill theyā€™re avoidable, you donā€™t need them. The quest chains are like 10-15 minutes and isnā€™t every day. The dailies are maybe half hour total.

I would but the smoke is bad for you :nauseated_face:

Whatā€™s the pattern, a big circle around the map doing the dailies? Congrats on completing it sooner than most people I guess?

I think itā€™s as simple as you saying people spend hours and hours grinding it, and theyā€™re telling you it was less than 1 hour. :scream:

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Yes, basically.
The point is that itā€™s not complex or grindy at all.

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Naz was easy rep and easy to complete. It didnā€™t require a lot of time each day. Mech required more time Iā€™d say overall because it was important to get each rare once or at least as many as you could. I think I still need 2 for the achieve but I donā€™t care about that.

But Mech was simple, do the rares/do the dailies. Not a lot else going on. Naz you needed to figure out a few things like ranking EACH of your followers for the rep tokens. When they give you a quest to go find a chest, go find it. So look for the 3 blue ! on your map and go do them. Each of those are fast and easy. Make sure you get each follower to rank 3.

Oh and get the Naga bosses when they spawn, they donā€™t last long so get to the nearest one. They show as little pink skulls on the map and the game alerts you when they are up.

You know itā€™s easy when Squeek says itā€™s easy! Squeek hated the Legion one to the point I was their personal taxi in Surumar :cowboy_hat_face:

I never thought of that honestly lol. I was focused on getting the first follower to 20 for the mount.