BG forums lounge (Part 1)

DK kinda sucks to be honest, I’ve pugged at least 18+ Mythics since Tuesday and it’s been with a variety of tanks. DK and Demon Hunter as tanks were consistently the most rough runs.

Smoothest runs I’ve been in were with Prot Warr or Prot Pally as the tank.

I know it’s just a small sample size, but that’s been my experience so far in the season.

I assumed he was meaning dk dps.

Ah, my bad, just now re-reading his comment

I just saw “he kept dying” and immediately assumed a DK tank :laughing:

Nah he was DPS. Prot pally buddy was tanking, he was crushing it. Shoulda kicked the DK but he was nice.

Mythic plus is what you’re looking for

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I must say, 8.2 is sooooo alt un-friendly it’s actually kind of insane :-1:

I ran a little bit of math and found out that if I want to have good essences/gear across all my alts, I would pretty much have to play 24/7 :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Blood of the Enemy alone would take months across 5+ toons since it’s not account-wide. I really hope they make some quality of life changes regarding this, make some of this stuff account-wide or something.

Right now I have a throwaway Human Pally that I never even play (only played it to grind Pathfinder asap) that is all maxed out on the Nazjatar/Mechagon stuff, while my Horde main is literally still on the first few Nazjatar quests and just started Mechagon intro quests yesterday :-1:

This patch has pretty much killed alts


They’re preparing us for Classic.


They likely will once Mythic has been cleared. Honestly rank 1-2 is fine, and some specs/classes will likely be screwed more than others but there’s a good amount of them that are based on rep and that’s account wide.

I think it’s more alt friendly, benthic gear is really easy to farm and even more importantly, upgrade. It’s hard for someone at 385 to start getting groups going etc when you can essentially just farm upgrades and get your character to a decent ilvl fairly quick.

The first few months will be main focused and then once people start getting slower upgrades they’ll shift over to grinding alts or waiting for a buff to come in for the grind.

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Lol 8.2 is not unfriendly to the average alt. It lets you catch up your neck after the quest chain, you can mail gear and upgrade them to 400 in one day. Emissary rewards raised, normal mythic raised. I geared an alt in one day and got my m+ beam essence.

Not having essences is not going to break your gameplay for PVP. Maybe if you’re trying to min max for pve it’s rough but PVP = no.

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It was a lot of quick rep esp in the beginning

The rep isn’t “grindable”. The grindiest thing you can do is farm rares that you hadn’t killed. You are pretty limited on what you can do per day. You must’ve just not known how to actually get the rep. 1 week was simple as hell.

Ya 1 week, I followed my boi Lamire aka Gator and got my flying nice & fast. We also didn’t farm rep for 12 hours a day, we’d do everything in an under an hour then just WPVP like spergs.

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Yeah I got it on Friday the 5th and I wasn’t even pushing it that hard, some people worked way harder.

Edit: I even had a computer hardware failure and other RL crap I was dealing with

Yeah, it was totally fast and easy.

That was definitely my experience trying to complete quests solo on an ungeared toon in the new 8.2 zones with war mode turned on:

Yeah that was my experience. I had to just turn it off because of time constraints.

It is grindable if you do every single thing available, every single day, which is way more than an hour. There’s a ton of rares that spawn, dailies, quest chains for the zone story. There was even a bug early on where you could complete follower quests, leave the zone, re-join and select another follower.

It’s not hard to know what to do in the game, but there’s a lot of depth to those zones to obtain rep. One thing can chain off into large rep gain all from a rare spawn. I was probably a week behind the people to get it “first” and I think I missed maybe 1 or 2 days of daily content. There’s definitely a lot of overseen rep based content. The stuff that’s made blatantly obvious probably takes an hour, but to get the rest of it that quick, no way.

Sharding has made PvP feel lopsided a lot more than it should, but it’s still pretty good. Early on it was all Horde it felt like, now it’s starting to feel better. Not sure if that’s changes on their end or people just not doing dailies as much since they got flying. I’ve stopped almost entirely minus follower stuff.

I only tried once man, cmon :frowning:

It depends. Took me about an hour and a half to do all quests/dailies. But I’m slower at questing and stop for smoke breaks. I can see some people plow through it in under an hour especially if grouped.

Yeah I could see it with a group. I pull entire zones for the most part and kill/loot everything I can, even it’s not apart of the quest(s). Netted me some good stuff.

I think the thing that slowed me the most was the rares and the hidden stuff in Naz. Once I found a bunch of it as I hit honored it went fairly quick.

If you vape it’s time saved, plus you can pretend you’re a dragon.

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Nope, nothing like the real thing

Cigs are just analog vapes.

Is it the taste or the feel? My co worker has a laboratory setup for that stuff and goes bonkers with it sometimes.

I’ve got a slew of nicknames for vapes. I appreciate them because it’s not smoke, but when people start trying to make murals of smoke or turn into a fkn cloud I can’t help but hate them.