BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Have they said how long they will leave the hardmode challenge in? I was wanting to attempt it once I got some better gear.

No clue, right now Iā€™m just upset I have to rekill a boss Iā€™m locked out of on hardmode just to get the the boss I want :rage:

Yea that sucks.

Thatā€™s debateable imo, seems to me the ā€œnoobsā€ are less toxic usually. They are worse players, but you wonā€™t really see snide/toxic remarks out of them.

In my experience with PUGs:

  • 0 - 900 io : casual territory, most will stay even if the timer expires or the run is a wipefest

  • 1000 - 1800 io : this is ā€œthe sweet spotā€, players that know the dungeons and are experienced enough to actually time runs but are still mostly chill/non-toxic

  • 1900 - 2400 io : this is where you start to run into ā€œelitistā€ types who are prone to criticize even the smallest mistake with snide/toxic remarks, these guys can (and do) insta-leave a run after just 1 wipe

  • 2500 - 3000 io : these are rarer in the wild, and Iā€™ve only been with a few of these (they were on their alts), but they seem equally prone to criticize the slightest mistakes made by the group

But I hope it isnā€™t nerfed.
We need hard dungeons.

Is it a new guy? Thatā€™s scary. Our Quality Director would tell them where to stick it.

I didnā€™t think so but it got me thinking.

Nope, its a guy who took over the quality position at a company that doesnā€™t make airbags very well. Heā€™s had a few years to get into the swing of things.

What you say can still hold true with my comment. I typically stay between 10 and 14 level keys and donā€™t push any higher nor have a desire to want to. My groups generally have people that know how to laugh at themselves when they mess up.

If I run a 4 to 7 on an alt I get a dbag almost every time in the group.

Oh airbags. Iā€™m glad itā€™s not something serious like safety or regulatory items.


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Amen brother

Donā€™t you do all your runs with guildies though? Of course people are going to behave themselves/be nice to each other if itā€™s a guild run.

Iā€™m mainly referring to the land of PUGs, I find my little comparison chart above holds true more often than not (with regards to random PUGs).

It varies really. This guild has three raid teams so sometimes I get in a full guild group and other times itā€™s a full pug.

I donā€™t have the io addon and just invite based off item level and class lol.


Whatā€™s the minimum ilevel youā€™d recommend before attempting the new Mechagon dungeon?

Hard to say, itā€™s more mechanics-driven than anything. It gives a slightly higher iLevel (415) than regular Mythic 0ā€™s (400), so Iā€™d say you should be fully equipped with current Mythic 0 gear? (Not sure if that adds up to a total ilevel of 400 or not, the math can be weird sometimes)

Around 400 would be fine, assuming the team is at least slightly more intelligent than a potato.

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Our group average was around 405. I was 400 as tank. Group finder says 400 recommended minimum item level.

Also what herc said lol. Just canā€™t have dummies in the group at any item level really.

Yeah we had a pug DK in the group that really added some time to our clear because he kept dying.

Geez. Youā€™d think the dk would be the last to die with all their defenses.

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Well they donā€™t help too much if you get hit by every mechanic.

Shoulda brought a Prot Warrior son :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of tanks, the 520-ish io tank I played with in that bad run was also a DK (around 416 iLvL I think). I dunno what it is, DKs just seem squishy :grimacing:

Earlier in the day I played with a PUG 410 Prot Warrior tank in the same exact dungeon and he was super sturdy even against bolstered mobs.