BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Yeah you’re right. Here is what I’m reading.

It gives us several early improvements to the BG that we’re glad to have in place. Early on in AV, there were too many NPCs and they were too hard to kill. By 1.12, many had been removed and NPC health was brought down to a reasonable level. Turning in armor scraps is an encouraged, supportive activity by this point. Many capture points (mostly graveyards) had been moved away from their initial placements to gain better balance across the map. Korak the Bloodrager was removed, and killing opposing players no longer drops items like Dwarf Spines, Orc Teeth, or Human Bone Chips. Gross.

From what I gathered on the classic thread battles will be around 6-12 hours instead 1-3 days.

This is why I think Waycrest Manor is one of the coolest dungeons in the game. A haunted house with a ton of different paths and options (albeit random at times.)

That was my favorite from recent content. Of course, I didn’t get the same feeling as the previous ones but maybe it’s because 14 years later, no matter what, the glass is no longer full anymore.

I notice the glass gets overflowing full for me, then when I start putting on silly mogs the glass is usually about empty and I swap to a new alt within two weeks.

For example, right now my zandalari paladin is wearing the tomb keepers set. It looks sweet on a zanda troll with the mogu theme + gold for typical pally.

If I start getting burned out on him, my mog will turn into something like a naked troll wearing a pirate hat with a training sword. Within two weeks of that moment, I will be playing something else.

That’s awesome that you find ways to keep that glass flowing. Judging from the comments in the GD, it’s hard to think too many do. Did you complete the whole set?

Some features are awesome for a while nothing gave me that “feeling” that Vanilla - TBC/Wrath did. Maybe it was because new/shiny still had not wore off? Maybe it was that things became less “in depth?”

I ran some 10’s this weekend just to see/try out the new affix, and honestly it’s not that bad. For 2/3 of the emissaries you just nuke them down, and the other one is just knocked back until it despawns.

Didn’t time any of the runs, but that’s to be expected, most people are still like ~420 iLvL right now. I imagine once people are 430-435 these dungeons will seem much easier. We only missed the timer by about 3-4 minutes each time, pretty smooth considering it was our first time with the affix.

One of the runs had a tank with only like a 520 io score, he was sooooo frickin slow, we’re talking literally pulling 1 mob at a time :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I was tempted to chime in and tell him to hurry up/pull more mobs, but he was in a 3-man guild premade (his buddies actually had decent io) so I just kept it to myself. I think he was getting carried to be honest, he just wasn’t that good at tanking and he died left and right :roll_eyes:

That tank is a good reminder why raider io exists :joy:

Speaking from my experience, I was a filthy filthy filthy casual for my entirety of playing wow. I’d play a month or so then disappear for 3-6 months on a regular basis. Because of that, I’d learn something new every time I’d come back and play. The “wow that was awesome” moments happened because I didn’t understand what even created those moments and this poor noob happened to have the stars align and delete someone.

Now game knowledge is so much more common that the average player has way more insight in game mechanics now than the average player did in wotlk. Now we know what parameters create those epic moments and because we know what it takes, it doesn’t shock us as much.

I somewhat found that new spark of interest in wow during Legion. I honestly blame it on m+ that pushed me over my fear of grouping. My fear of grouping is honestly what’s held me back from enjoying wow and not letting my sub lapse since wod. I don’t know why casuals have this fear of grouping up but its real.

Now I am setting season/exp goals and trying to hit them. I’ve always wanted an elite set and s1 I got one. I know the requirements are easier now but I never made it above 1600 before. Being a filthy casual, I would just tank rating to play against noobs. I’m honestly ashamed of it now that I look back. Instead of trying to push myself to get better, I’d just lol 1v2 people in the crap bracket thinking I was awesome.

It’s a “mega dungeon” like Legion Karazhan or old classic BRD. 5-man raid is accurate way to think of it.

Maybe that’s my problem, I played it too much :frowning: Play something so much and there is no more "wow :open_mouth: " factor left. Just new stuff occasionally to try out.

But to possibly answer your question, I think most casuals fear grouping because 1) people are very judgmental and don’t know how to criticize without being unnecessarily insulting. When you see it in general chats, it’s off-putting. Most won’t want to subject themselves to that. It’s not a “thick skin” thing. It’s just generally not fun to play a social thing with hostile people. 2) Many casuals are loners. I’ve learned this from a handful of newer games that were released that have group content. During all the Q&A sessions, it’s always asked you can succeed playing alone.

I knew it was, I was making a joke. That’s far too long for a single dungeon by today’s standards.

All Waycrrst Manor needs a really long corridor to run up and down. And an unmasking of Gorak Tul.

“Now let’s see who he really is!”
“It’s old man Smithers, the groundskeeper of the disused amusement park!”

And he would have gotten away with it too, but…


Today, Scooby Do meets The Harlem Globetrotters.


Anyway, yes. Please add this.

I’d suggest pushing into harder content. That feeling of reward still exists, you just have to challenge your game knowledge to find it.

Also, once I grouped up with folk, the more I realized they are just harmless regular joe’s like me just playing a video game. Of all the pugs I’ve been in, I’d put the toxic crowd around 4%. It’s strange where you find them too. They are all over the +4 to +7 range in m+ but if you get to 10s and higher they rarely exist. LFR raiders are more toxic than heroic raiders… or at least it was in Legion when I raided.

The game got ‘addictingly’ enjoyable to me even through the crap balance and class design when I got over my fear of grouping.

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My personal favorite Scooby Doo was with George Takei.

“What a grave insult to my heiritage…” is how I feel whenever Pandaren speak.

You’re not wrong, pushing like that does help but I still think I’ve just burnt myself out too much. Even breaks don’t help as much as they used to. I don’t dislike the game at all, it’s just not as interesting.

I’m optimistic that Classic will scratch that itch. I’m soooo gonna 1-shot Sock with a WF crit.

I didn’t remember him in those old episodes. I googled and it looks like he’s in a newer-age version or did I miss something?


What? You don’t like a bunch of white dudes doing racist accents?

hoooooo much dishonor upon my family

Yeah it was in one of the newer ones, but not the super new ones. Confusing I know.

Its just like spongebob. The good days. The uh oh days right after the first movie. Then theres what we have now.

Maybe we’re just getting old and hate new things.

You’ll have to slog through my curse of exhaustion spam before that!

By the way, we were talking about a PPAP i had to update a while back.

They updated the part number for traceability. I asked their PPAP guy who I should be sending the PPAPs to and he told me he has “No part numbers by what you sent me in our system”.

Nice traceability. I hate my job.

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I doubt they would have had an Asian guest star by himself in the OG Scooby Doo. That’s not how TV rolled back then.

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I got the hardmode bug for the HK aerial boss. After I crashed and got a group to try again that gob boss is respawned with HK flying above him :disappointed_relieved:

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