BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Worse because it’s 3.5 hours long lol.

Oh, we’re talking about a raid. I thought you were talking about a dungeon


I miss 3.5 hour long runs of Blackrock Depths. I don’t miss 3.5 hour long runs of current dungeons.

Do you really? That is one of the classic dungeons I do not miss.

I love the dungeons that require solid leadership/guiding. Sunken Temple, Blackrock Depths, Lower Blackrock Spire. It felt nice to call the shots, pick the hallways, encourage people to continue, help out with the dozens of quests each player brought with them.

They felt like a dungeon, not an environment prepared specifically for Mythic+. Blackrock Depths is one of those things that just shows how streamlined and bland things have become. Its like they just plop a layout down and design artwork around it.

Its something that reminds me of Darksouls, in that you could tell they built the world prior to the game. It feels like Blizzard is designing the world around the game.

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Sunken Temple, I really enjoyed but BRD was just one of those I didn’t want to do unless I specifically wanted something from it.

I do agree that it felt more like a real dungeon. I still say my favorite was vanilla Shadowfang. Even being lower level, I liked it.

I still can’t wait for classic. I miss getting a drop from a dungeon and it having a noticeable impact on my performance rather than not at all. Plus, I miss the dungeon quests that gave a large chunk of XP and good gear.

I think both should exist. Karazhan was a prime example of this in BC and even the Remake had touches of that too.

While I do miss the adventurous 3+ hour long dungeons where it was essentially a 5 man raid, those dungeons still exist like Mechagon. My only fear is they’ll cut that into 2 pieces and make it into the M+ dungeon pool somehow which I’d rather not.

BRD is probably in a league of it’s own for it’s depth, hard to compare it to anything else really.

That was my first dungeon! And… my worst experience so far.

I kept jumping off the stairs that entered into the main courtyard after the first boss, and pulling the mobs above (Guardsmen after the 3rd boss). It pulled everything from there down to us. Everyone was so angry with me, but I did really enjoy the atmosphere.

lol were you doing it on purpose or did you just have butterfingers at the time?

Nobody told me I was the one wiping the entire group! I did it three times before getting kicked, and someone whispered me kindly explaining what was going on, and how the group was all laughing at me. They were upset they kicked me withot even telling me what I was doing.

Kara too was brilliant design. With Shadowfang being my favorite dungeon, maybe it’s just me liking the gothic type stuff even though I’m as remote from being gothic as they come.

I like unique and exotic dungeons/raids.

So they were laughing and then they were upset after? :confused:

I don’t recall any bad experience with that one but being in Silverpine, I think I do recall aggroing those elites near Pyrewood…

Oh it’s a dungeon… Just an 8 boss 5man dungeon right now. They will likely break it into two parts next patch like they did kara in legion.

lol I know. I was making a joke since most dungeons post-Cata were “rush rush” dungeons.

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I thought I missed 3.5 hr long dungeons but after Saturday night running Mechagon, I think I’m changing my mind. I do enjoy the journey aspect of it however and maybe that’s the part that makes me miss old school brd. BFA dungeon design seems like it’s only for m+ with mob placement and mechanic driven. It would be nice to see just the journey aspect implemented in retail dungeons.

Seems like they tried to do that with islands and they didn’t know how to do it.

I didn’t realize how much time constraints are going to be hindering me in classic after the mecha run. It kinda hurts hype a bit tbh and making me second guess myself if I will even have time to do anything in classic. I have a hard usually uninterrupted 2 hours of playtime Monday through Thursday. If I want to do raiding or anything requiring more than 2 hours in a go then I have to stay up late on Fri and Sat to do it like Mechagon.

I will likely never see a full av start to finish.

AV’s start to finish, I’ve done plenty but back then, it was just a blast to do. I’m not sure if I will feel the same 14 years later but we’ll see!

Then again, 14 years ago, I didn’t hear “get out of my room!” yelled from across the house. :frowning:

We had dial up 26k modem lol. I had to just take towers and hope I never encountered the raid or I would lag out quickly and have to keep trying to relog in over and over until the fight progressed elsewhere out of rendering distance.

On paper though, classic is more of my style of game because of the deep rpg elements but in practicality, retail is because of time.

You actually will! They’re using a later version of AV in classic, not the one that lasted as long as before. The version they’re using has nerfed NPCs, reinforcement counts, ect.

Ouch… I’m pretty sure we had cable even before WoW as released. If I remember correctly, it was 512k cable. Combined with Napster… good times. The last time I remember using a 26k modem was when I had America Online. :frowning: I really can’t imagine what it was like on 26k. I remember I lagged somewhat because I needed more RAM but I fixed that.

I don’t blame you as time is less of an issue now since most content is designed to be “time friendly.” I still don’t know how “active” I’ll be in Classic but I sure as heck will play it.

Well that answers my next question :frowning:

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If they are using the 1.12 AV then there will not be reinforcements. Reinforcements didn’t come til 2.3 in BC.