BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Does m+ change any of that? Run a dungeon on regular mythic and then again on like a +11 or something.

Yes you can continually receive loot in M+, it does not have a weekly lockout.

Makes sense. I rarely do more than 1 or 2 a week.

I canā€™t even find many groups even attempting mechagon. I gunna try in a little bit to see what I can get going.

We stayed in LFG for 45 minutes with only 3 dps and no healer or tank would join. I finally swapped to tank and immediately 6 healers signed up.

Took us 3.5 hrs to clear. I expect to see a quite a bit of tuning to happen to it. We wiped 3 times on the dog kujo fight just because the flame thing he does was still hitting our druid in incarnation form over the top of the box. He actually sat down because he couldnā€™t click his buff off on the pull that killed it.

Went in with a rag tag of alts and we made it to the aerial assault dude in around 1hr 30mins. Gunker gave our rogue and DH a lot of trouble because they kept blinking to things to try and ungoop them and got the debuff theirs selves :rofl: . Lost internet at the aerial dude so didnt get to down him about to try and find a group that is on him to get at leas tthe first half cleared.

Pro tip on that boss. Mass entangle the little adds that spawn so your tank has room to kite the boss around. if they donā€™t get rooted or slowed then the whole area gets the electrocution blue stuff.

Yeah was mass entangling the walkie dudes and reg rooting any other that spawned. We got to the maz at the top when i crashed and they just called it.

For my group we had me use Fan of Knives to slow all the adds. Just kite at that point. Everyone throwing out stuns/roots/etc is unnecessary and a waste of dps up-time.
If the tank isnā€™t a backpedaling pleb then he should have no trouble with movement.

To be fair I have to backpedal to some things while tanking or I get demolished.

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I think you are confusing PvP concepts with PvE, you seem misinformed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Anyone familiar with tanking mechanics knows youā€™re supposed to backpedal as the tank. Turning your back to hard-hitting mobs or hard-hitting bosses is a BIG no-no in Mythics.

I backpedal constantly in M+ and I get compliments all the time from PUG healers on how easy I am to heal/how smooth the runs went, backpedaling is smart :stuck_out_tongue:

You seem misinformed, considering that you apparently donā€™t know what strafing is :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Backpedaling is for plebs.

Strafing is fine, but to say backpedaling is ā€œfor plebsā€ is just a misinformed statement. Anyone that actually plays a tank class knows backpedaling is fine, nothing ā€œplebā€ about it.

best Warrior in the world backpedals constantly if you watch his streams, same with all the other top tanks.

Even strafing is risky if they leave your frontal cone they bypass all defenses other than armor.

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I mained a tank for a long time.
Iā€™ve tanked Mythics, Raids, etc. Iā€™ve been a tank captain on two raid teams (though, never hardcore pushing)
I was the #4 ranked prot Paladin in the world for Proving Grounds score during WoD.
I know tanking.
In most scenarios backpedaling wonā€™t hurt you, but you can accomplish the same effect, and more, by strafing properly. Thereā€™s nothing ā€œwrongā€ with backpedaling in PvE though. I just like to talk shet about it lol.

Strafe with the mouse and your keyboard. Correct reverse strafing will never expose your back.

Some of these dungeons are so trash-packed with mobs placed super close to each other that in many cases there just isnā€™t that much room to strafe left/right. Backpedaling is usually the ā€œsafeā€ way to kite in crowded spaces, because you are just going where youā€™ve already been (ie. clear of mobs).

Strafing left or right often comes with the risk of pulling extra pack(s). Motherlode is a good example, strafe just 5-10 yds to the left/right and you might body-pull another pack.

You donā€™t strafe left or right.
You strafe backward.

Maybe Iā€™m just risk averse, Darelin does have a point about mobs bypassing the frontal cone. I wouldnā€™t want one of these bolstered mobs sneaking in a hit ā€œfrom the sideā€, thatā€™s for sure.

if backpedaling works for guys like Nerfclap, itā€™ll work for me

Back pedaling can be great in PvP too. Itā€™s a great way for a healer to peel for DPSā€¦when the other team sees a back pedal-er they switch target :smiley:

Make them think youā€™re worse than you really are. Iā€™m not charging for this tip, youā€™re welcome.

You really should run more, because every week going forward peopleā€™s standards/requirements always go up. Iā€™ve only done like 1 bg since last week, barely touched PvP Iā€™ve been spamming as many Mythics as I can. If you donā€™t see me posting much lately, itā€™s because Iā€™m spamming Mythics :joy:

Iā€™m already seeing ā€œiLvL creepā€ in action, had a 425 Priest healer apply to one of my runs, and Iā€™m seeing plenty of people 417-423 in the applicantā€™s list. Gotta keep up with rising iLvL or get left behind.

Seems 415 is the new ā€œbottomā€, and ideally you want to be around 420.