BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Not actually a matter of smart or not, more a reflection of rl personality.

Is winning the most important thing, or is it the fight, results or the journey?

Neither is more “virtuous” neither is more “smart”; the world needs marketing and executives as well as artists and scientists.

Personally I have never afked out and likely never will.


Drinking a blend of mostly Halmari Estate GTGBOP ASSAM with a little Oolong mixed in as I read this lol.

PG Tips are what my wife used to take to work (neither one of us drinks coffee) much better than most tea bags.


What up guys! Happy Easter :hatching_chick:
Hope to see you guys on the battlefield.


A guy I worked with from a very rural part of New York (no that city you’re thinking about isn’t the whole thing) still had outdoor plumbing growing up. He used to say a big night when he was a teen was to drive to the next town and hang out by their WalMart.

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Used to be parts of Kansas and Missouri where you could be told things like “turn left where the old school house used to be” to give an example. The school house having burned down in 1917.


Hope everyone had a Good Easter Sunday.

Time to get my PvP on.


While you sit on your davenport, do you sip tea and eat crumpets? :smile:

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See now, if I had a friend like you IRL I would do my best to go over and have them make tea for me, often. I have a tea strainer tucked away somewhere but have resorted to tea bags due to general laziness. :yum:

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One of my asian customers gave me some black tea and I had no idea how to make it so I just dumped some in the coffee maker and made a pot. It was amazing and it kept me up til 3 am or so afterwards.

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When I was in the Army the mess hall had four large coffee urns, the first three filled with strong coffee the fourth with hot water for us tea drinkers. I like my tea strong but not too hot so every morning I would put two teabags in a mug and fill it from the fourth coffee urn, then let it sit while I ate breakfast with juice and gulp it down when I was done. One morning they had cleaned the coffee urns overnight and set them up in reverse order. I put two teabags in a mug, fill it up with strong coffee, and let it brew and cool while I ate breakfast. It was an unpleasant surprise when I drank it.

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I would probably still drink it. My coffee is like black tar.


Hey, I think they call that “Ranger Tea”. :smirk:

I drink my coffee black and bitter, like my soul.


Only way to take it if you’re a real person. My home coffee cup is a Darth Vader mug. The contents are just as black as the helmet.

You sound like a real man. We should thump chests and go shoot things.


I hate it when they get all twisted.


This thread has quickly gone to plaid.




Maybe you should try yourself some that Turkish coffee. It literally is like black tar with the sweetness.

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My “safe room” is anything but safe lol.

Also my coffee mug is the horde cup in the bliz store and a worlds best dad mug that I had to buy for myself.

Where do you find such a thing?