BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Just for fun I decided to stick around in a Wintergrasp match ally side a few minutes ago and “manually” count the number of leavers :rofl: I’m just chillin right now got nothing else to do before bed.

This is what I just observed in this “fresh” match:

  • 7 players left before the starting gate even opened
  • 2 players left after the gate opened but before the first teamfight
  • 1 player left “during” the first teamfight
  • 4 players left after the teamfight was over (we got steamrolled)

So in the span of about 5 minutes that’s already like 13-14 leavers. Actually it’s probably more like 14-15 since I just left myself and took deserter :thinking:

Good night all

Takes longer to wait for the loss than to leave early :wink:

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Yep, but I know lots of women who play. It’s funny when someone joins comms and is like… :open_mouth: You’re a girl!!!

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Most of the people I BG with these days are women.



Guilds I’ve been in generally have a bunch. My current GM is female, and there are several others.


The advantages of switching from cow to nelf :wink:

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What can I say, fun people are fun people.

My Horde guildmates are trying to woo me back.


It’s true lol. I was acquainted with some people back in the day that asked if I would tank AQ for their guild. I joined their vent and the comments quickly went to: “A girl!” “We’ve got a girl tanking!” “Holy ___ she kicks @zz too!” Pretty funny.


I will soon be pleading for you to run with my demon hunter. I just hit 120 with him and got him to 360 after several afk warfronts while at work lol.

What iL drops from the brawl cache?

I think it’s aspirants

Gals are actually pretty frequent.
You know what’s also frequent and funny? Those men who pretend to be gals.


Does creating female toons to dance on top of congested mailboxes with no clothes on for tips count?


Nah everyone knows that is just guys who want gold.

Though I prefer mailbox troll :frowning:
He was a naked male troll who would run all the way to SW to boogie on the mailbox. He was a legend.


Yeah there’s even a term for it - “catfishing”.

There was a pretty notorious incident of that on my old server last year.

Edit: I guess it gets tricky these days with non-birth genders and such.

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I loved mailbox troll. I remember reaming out the Ally that would poke at him and try to kill him.

Don’t get me started. :smirk:

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I have met a few of them and they are the easiest thing to see through. My favorite was a mailbox dancer trying to hit me up because I was on a male toon. Their backpedal was so strong I’m pretty sure they got whiplash.
They gave me a nervous laugh and told me ‘girlpower’

Please don’t get Violettina started. :sweat_smile:


Always with a broken mic. :lying_face: It’s amazing how many have that mic issue. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


No joke, haha. I remember back raiding Kara. A female priest joined our guild, “I can listen in, but no mic. Oooh, you have such a sexy voice.”

The guys were tripping over themselves doing stuff for her, giving her stuff. It went on for a while, until one day in Vent, “she” slipped and yelled at someone in a deep, distinctly, male voice. It was hilarious.


Also eww, Demon Hunter?


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