BG forums lounge (Part 1)


My gf was joking with me about how I woke her up laughing so hard at 2 am because of the fish feasts.



Keep it up!


Man I could really go for a smoke right now. Cigarettes are just analog versions of Juuls right, so it’s okay?


While you guys are all having fun I’m at some random Texas wildlife park driving through a safari and getting pecked at by ostriches.

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Ok you win. I want to “fight” an ostrich.

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What would you do? Bite their ankles?

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That would be my opening yes. Pretty sure that’s what you would do if you want to win.

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I would just scare it so it’d bury it’s head in the sand. Then I’d go for the throat.

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The wife said she could hear me through the baby monitor. Pretty sure she was joshing me though.


What a cheese move. The g-pyro of ostrich fighting.

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You’re just jealous because you’ve been chewing on a nasty birds ankles for the past 30 minutes.

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If that thing pecked my kid I woulda had to fight it on principle but it was only after my hand. Probably would just have to choke it out since it has a lot of neck and lots of places to grab.

Security has already had to run a couple people off because they got out their sun roof to hug the giraffes :rofl:

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I just don’t play on ez mode.

<------nightmare difficulty ostrich fighting right here son!

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Make sure to fight only in your underwear then.

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Those bastards hurt! We tried feeding some baby ones at a petting zoo/conservatory and they were a bit overzealous. :scream:

Stupid things.


Yeah they are definately aggressive when it comes to food. They would just strut in and push all the axis deer out of the way and get right into the window.


Darn twinks! Get them their own window!


I’ve never done something like that…is there a general food all the animals eat, or do you have like a variety pack for the different animals or sections of the park?

They gave us a brown bag of organic all natural stuff they can all eat. All the meat eaters of course were behind high fences close to the trails so you can still see them. The only things we weren’t allowed to feed other than the meat eaters were the elephants rhinos and water buffalo.

things that would happily crush your car for a nugget of food