BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’m fairly certain Jdpp is actually the second boss in Deadmines in his shredder.

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And Jadei I hate you. I click on everything lol. If I’m humming that in an hour I will hunt you in game.


Im a Texas Rangers fan (baseball) and one of our players walks up to the plate to Baby Shark.1st time he did it was a solo home run so now we just have to accept the fact that song will never go away.

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When I was in college, they let me be in charge of the sound board for one game, well 3 innings and then they made me get up lol. They had all these hilarious sounds that I would use after every pitch. I had most of our side laughing while the other team’s fans and players were throwing their hands up.

The other team was suppose to beat us but we ended up destroying them. I can’t help but think my sound board skills played a part in mentally beating that team. They seemed upset whenever I played “LOSER” after a strikeout or “ssaahhhwing and a miss HAHAHAHA”

OMG…for 3 innings you had so much power. I would LOVE to do that

The board had over 100 sounds on it. Probably more. You had a bunch of modifier like keys that changed it to something else. They only had a handful programmed to the songs that our team would walk up and bat to. All the other ones were untouched.

I had a few people pretty upset. I remember their big hitter walked up to the plate and I hit the “IS THIS GUY GONNA TAKE ALL DAY OR WHAT” and he had to back out of the box to reset himself. Then I pressed “OOH OOH! LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT HIM!” He struck out that time too and I couldn’t help but think that I played a part in it.

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This is horrible and would probably put me off watching.

What’s the deal with adults getting all into baby songs? Makes me fear for IQs these days…

I’m actually kinda impressed. Singing that song backwards takes talent. :clap:

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Sounds like something fit to be used in children of the corn.

That’s awful. And here I was hoping for the Power Rangers theme or something. Unless that’s also used. Ahh After 10,000 years I’m free! Time to conquer Earth!

Hey, no need to get all gobliny on me! Oh, wait… :smile:

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Also, let’s cleanse away all the bambino brain-numbing poopy-goop with something classy for once:

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I preferred the Eddie Murphy versions. :laughing:

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This game is such a sausagefest.


This past summer I played in a few Horde premade bgs that were “led” by a chick… she was cool tho. But yeah, girls that play WoW are few and far between :joy:

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Girls don’t play WoW. It is the law.

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Down some dat hexwurst and be pig people.

In serious though, there’s more than there appears to be. Many don’t reveal that they are. They’re also blood thirsty.


Practically all my wow years have been played not saying I was female. A. it’s none their biz, and B. they get all weird on ya.