BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Ha! That use to be how everyone gave directions here but then when the second one went in, people reply with “which one?”

“ummmmm, I don’t know how to tell you now.”

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lol. Sometimes, I like to leave out the distance and see how long it takes to get a call asking where the stoplight is or if they missed it. It’s great for messing with out of town guests.

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I have to route big trucks in so my directions are down to the tenth of a mile. There are five ways into my work but only two of them are big enough for big trucks. Button 4 on my speed dial is the tow truck lol.

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Unless it’s an older person giving directions. “Go to the stoplight and turn north”. Waitaminute… is that left or right?

Lol yes or they use random landmarks like… “go to the big red oak tree on the left and turn right. When you see that red barn take a right.”

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No matter how old I get, I don’t think I’ll ever have a proper sense of direction. My husband thinks it’s hysterical.

“Stay on the pavement til you see the big blackberry bush then go left onto the dirt road. When you pass the Miller’s gate, look for the bull and take a right.”


Alright, I need to say this:

/begin rant

People in WSG, STOP, for the love of everything sacred, STOP running the flag up in the enemy graveyard!! It never works, you get killed by the few opposing team chasing you AND now you have those rezzing up in their GY on top of it!! You continually fail, cost us the game when you try that crap more than once, and if I could turn on friendly-fire, you’d be swiss cheese!!

/end rant

Whew. sips coffee I feel better now. :laughing:


We need a poll. Where’s the other mage?


There would have been some dead droods yesterday if friendly-fire was a thing. It’s so frustrating.


It does work.

About once per match :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t go through the GY yard, I run way past it and drop down behind the tank think over there, then get all sneaky,


This is honestly the only way to do it. And only when you see most the horde alive.


or watched a wave just spawn and mount up. Then follow right behind them.


Yesterday was the day of the durr feral in WSG. I had the one that went to the GY twice, then another on a different WSG that decided to run down mid, got as far as the big stump in front of the horde flagroom, and started running circles next to the stump. I have no idea why. It was bizarre. Made me just kinda stand there incredulously watching the horde slay him. At that point I was on the horde’s side with thinking dude needed to die lol.


Gotta inspect that new model, ya’ know.

Ooooooohhhhh, look at the texture.

Dunno how I missed this Josh, no Im not an aussie. It’s from a fairly local place here in MI, that I can’t recall the name of. Next month I’ll be up in the area where it’s at and I can get more info about it for you.


It figures that druids would be the only ones into this.

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It works if your team is wiping somewhere inconvenient to pursuit… like the enemy ramp side. I’ve used the GY many times. The key is just knowing when.

Benefit to pulling this off is that you end up with a little speed advantage and you end up on the side close to your ramp-side which is an unexpected way to go and might help you further. And you end up by the Heal Leaf Shack if you need it.

At least for Horde it’s a speedy exit, as the fastest way out of the building is that door by the GY.

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Running into fellow forum peeps in BGs makes for an awesome evening.


Ooh, who did you destroy?

Actually Inemia got to hand me my butt.

Twice. :frowning:

I did manage to hold DB north long enough to get the FW towers to burn first. In IoC though I got unexpectedly popped out of stealth on my way to check quarry and she was there with lots o’ friends.

I just let them murk me. No point on wasting cooldowns on a useless fight.


I see, so Inemia hangs out in the epics, huh? -takes notes-

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