BfA screwed Gilneans/Worgen

I thought being Goldrinn’s champion basically gave him an Infinite Stamina boon that allowed him to outfight Garrosh in one of the books? Did I misunderstand that?

Again, and call me crazy, I truly believe that Blizzard regrets adding Worgen as a race and this is their way of rectifying it. Take all the themes that made the Gilneans unique and give them to the Kul Tirans, who are just Humans, and then have the Heritage Quest say that being worgen sucks so basically the curse will die out after all the current worgen die.

And with the worgen being homeless in Stormwind it makes it easier for Blizzard to just assimilate them in with the Stormwind Humans and just forget about the Gilneans altogether, then the worgen become a “rare race” you see every now and then.

You are correct.


I may be remembering wrong, but they were fighting on equal footing, but the alliance was turning the tide of battle and the Horde had to retreat, but you might be right.

That was my point.
Kul tiras is a Kingdom with different territories, each with their own theme and aesthetic.
Stormwind is a Kingdom with different territories, each with their own theme and aesthetic.

Darkwood was a part of Stormwind as much as Drustvar was a part Kul Tiras. But Darkwood (Previously Brightwood) was actually under rule of Stormwind itself, while Drustvar was a Providence with it’s own ruling family.

Not really. It only gave him a little boost to match Saurfang, but the battle was far from determined. And Saurfang’s age really played a bit part in given him a slight handicap.

Gilneas abandoned the Alliance because they wouldn’t commit genocide, ignored the pleas of fleeing Lorderon refugees as they were slaugtered at their gates, and hid behind their wall for decades of strife and unrest.
Gilneans are getting exactly what they deserve.


Would you say the Horde deserves worse then, since they succeded with a genocide?

  1. You mean they wanted to kill the genocidal aliens that came through a portal hellbent on destroying all humanity? Say it isn’t so! Seriously, how can you blame them for that? We as players know why the Orcs were that way, and can’t blame them, but in-universe characters didn’t know that. The Alliance wanted to keep them alive in internment camps and make Gilneas pay for it so Genn said screw off and left.

  2. You mean the Gilneans ignored the pleas of Lordaeron refugees who very well could have been carrying the same plague that just killed Lordaeron? Wow what horrible monsters wanting to avoid being killed and raised as undead.

Please. And Genn already talked with Malfurion and admitted he was wrong in those instances and regrets the decisions. They were tough and he feels bad but did them to protect his people.


I doubt any of that stuff will ever come up in the story anyway. Besides, after BFA, I find it highly unlikely that Genn of all people is going to issue an apology to the horde for misunderstanding them.


I don’t know. Anduin sure seemed fine with bringing up Daelin and Arthas and pinning those on the Alliance, knowing him he will make the Gilneans pay the Horde reparations for that.

The Horde is already getting worse.
All cultural individuality is being stripped away, all of our leaders are either former Alliance or Alliance collaborators, save for Teldrassil every battle was a loss, honorable soldiers were Anduin’s bootlickers, loyal soldiers were fools following a leader who wanted them to die, and both did nothing the entire war except kill fellow Horde members.
Orcs are green humans, trolls are vassals of Zandalar, Forsaken are led by someone who can never understand their plight or culture, Goblins are led by someone who throws away money and supports unions, and Blood elves have completely forgotten who slaughtered their people in the city they helped build.

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I don’t doubt it.

But I’ve no idea what Blizz was going for with the Worgen. It seemed like they were going to be the Alliance’s answer to the Forsaken. Having a more sophisticated, traditional fantasy hero race worked for the Horde with the Sin’Dorei so having a more grim gothic race for the Alliance tracks. But out the gate they were mishandled.

The Forsaken still have humanity but they decidedly are no longer human. Undeath warps the soul as much as it does the body. They are reborn in shadow, and while they may wield the Light or enjoy a garden on a sunny day, they’ll always be children of the night from stem to root.

The Worgen should’ve had the same deal. Their soul belongs to the wilds now. They may be able to feign enjoyment having tea and crumpets at the Governess’s ball but what they want is to feel the thrill of the hunt. For the body to go limp in their maw as blood and viscera explodes from the wound they just tore in their prey’s throat. And what separates them from humanity above all is like an animal, they’ll never feel remorse for doing it. They can still have their human hobbies and be everything from cheerful shopkeepers to dedicated medics. But in the end, they’re more beast than man, and when the gibbous moon rises bright in the night’s sky not a soul amongst them can resist the call of the wild hunt.

Instead though they’re basically chimney sweeps with fursonas. And even though the Worgen curse seems to be nothing but a benefit Tess still says it’s just too dangerous to deal with because you might go blood crazy if dealing with an enemy.

Which doesn’t sound like much of a downside in a world where there are countless enemies who can never be reasoned with and have marched through a portal to destroy all of creation.


So if Sylvanas just said she regrets the tree to Baine or Lor’themar then it’s all good? Because that’s all Genn did according to you.
I can’t post pictures so just imagine that shot from south park of the BP exec lying naked on a bear rug saying ‘Sorry’.

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They also forgot that the Forsaken proably helped destroy Silvermoon, as well as genocide the Blood elves. That’s a hard thing to forget.
I’m not sure I agree that the Horde is getting it worse. Equal, I could stretch it. But not worse.

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Blood Elf Heritage quest.
They acknowledge the Forsaken being even worse victims than them and that Sylvanas paid the ultimate price just so that a few more elves could live.

And Jaina was a victim of Garrosh, who Aethas in his infinite wisdom decided to help. Atleast Aethas apologized for that.

This sounds verbatim like what I have said is happening to the Gilneans. We are being stripped of our identity so we can be nothing more than Stormwind Humans with our leader being an Anduin bootlicker. It’s almost as if the problem in WoW’s narrative is the Wrynn family… like they are a narrative blackhole.

You know what is funny? Everything you just said here is basically how Worgen are written in Wolfheart. It is why I loved the book. It actually made worgen feel, well like worgen. They felt like wild animals who still have their humanity and can assume their human form, but they enjoy to be in their worgen form more. Every worgen experiences this deep desire to hunt and kill that they have to fight. They may not be bloodthirsty monsters that kill on sight but they still want to hunt and kill.

Hell it is even mentioned in the book that Night Elves were warned to avoid the worgen area of Teldrassil because some of the younger worgen get so caught up in the hunt that they may mistakenly kill a Night Elf. That is terrifying! That is the stuff I want to see in-game.

Umm no. They aren’t comparable. Sylvanas has committed mass murder and genocide, Genn did not.


I don’t recall Garrosh having the ablility to mind control peeps, but whatevs.
Besides doesn’t change the fact that the war got kicked off in the first place because Jaina herself refused to tear down Northwatch Hold. A military base on Horde lands, in violation of the post Wrath treaty.

I feel like arguing about in-universe reasons for what races deserve or don’t deserve misses the point of the thread, anyway. It’s more of a meta discussion about how the writers have chosen to handle the race.


Indeed. If only this goblin would understand that.