BfA PVP Armor Transmog Vendor?

Do these vendors really not exist yet? Also I can’t even see a slot for season 3 set in the appearance tab… Its the little things blizz that make such a difference, like a 500 and 600 mount achievement… takes a few seconds to put it in or make some kind of statement.


Pvp doesent exsist to blizzard this expansion in general. 0 communication from them all expansion. Still no vendors. Much less hope than I had at the start of turtle crossed the water expansion. First expansion in quite some time where its more or less dead quite from the blizzard side…

Plus the director said we have issues finding where the pvp vendors are anyway.

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Having the set available to purchase with Marks of Honor after the season was ideal. Some of us only need 1 or 2 items to complete the set.

Having the normal sets be available at the end of the season for those who only pvp so much but enjoy pvping and or just enjoy collecting sets was brilliant last expansion. I understand there was the Warfronts thing where the pvp gear was supposed to be able to be obtained but, that’s 100% RNG and, there were only 2 of them. Now I can’t even view season 3 pvp set(s) let alone purchase their appearance?!? This makes 0 sense.


Blizz dropped the ball on PVP in BFA big time.

Yes. Its about time!

Fortunately, the Rare (blue) versions will be available for purchase at new vendors when Shadowlands comes out! Just a few more months.


Fortunately, the Rare (blue) versions will be available for purchase at new vendors when Shadowlands comes out! Just a few more months.

Necroing, was this confirmed? Asking for my Alliance toons (Horde gear is always so ugly).

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Necroing again, is this real? is there a vendor being added or not?

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Yes please, I hope we do get BfA PVP Vendors.

I have a bucket load of PVP marks that I need to spend and a lot of the BfA Armor is very nice looking. I hate the RNG system for this gear.


I’m necroing this as well. Shadowlands comes out tomorrow, have they added PvP vendors for the marks to get the Transmogs?
I’ve still never gotten the shoulders for either Darkshore or Stromgarde Warfronts heroic versions

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Necro’ing this thread again to confirm that they did update some BfA npcs to sell pvp transmog sets. For the horde it will be Xander Silberman who’s located at the Mugambala southwest of Dazar’alor.

For the Alliance it will be Marshal Gabriel who’s located at the Salt & Shandy which is west of Tradewinds Market.


Sweet update brother! Thanks!

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Would love to see them add elite sets for those that never collected the appearance but had the rating


The ensembles/mog sets are now available from Xandar Silberman (Horde) at The Muagmbala and Marshall Gabriel (Alliance) at Ashvane Docks.


Thanks for the follow up on this, Hil